
Atheists: What do you usually do on a daily basis...?

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I'm interested in the daily life of an Atheist.

I am Christian. I live for Jesus Christ. So everything I do centres on Him. That does not give you the opportunity to judge my Christian life. Thank you.

Extra: Have you ever considered living for Jesus Christ in your lifetime?

This is a yes or no answer. No crass commentary. If you have considered it recently, what's stopping you?

Repeat. Genuine answers. No insults, judgements, and criticisms. Thank you.




  1. we cant judge your christian life, yet you want us to justify our lifestyle to you, and then consider living for jesus? two words. fu(k. off.

    But if you must know, i live my life each day as it comes, go to work, clean the house, visit friends and have as much fun as life allows.

    I certainly dont waste my time praying for things that are not possible, nor do i waste my time worshipping a fake person who died thousands of years ago to justify my sad little life.

    EDIT : Steph S is spot on, so if you are offended by me, listen to her instead. EDIT PART 2: so keep this question, but by the time i've "found jesus" you'll be long dead and buried, just like the rest of us. get a grip. live your life for YOU, it is so sad that you spend your days not enjoying them, but enduring them, wating for something better to comes along, that, unfortunately, never does.

  2. How could I not insult you when you ask the question: "Have you ever considered living for Jesus Christ in your lifetime?"

    I'm to spend a lifetime worshipping a fictional character? Besides, I'm an ex-Christian and feel annoyed when someone asks me if I ever thought about it. Not to mention you hear c**p like that all the time.

    [Edit]: If I ever thought about it. Sheesh, I found multiple mistakes in Bible... *rolls eyes* have I ever thought about it... [edit2]: I found my first mistakes in the Bible when I was like 10 or so. *still having that stupid question in his head*

    As for the daily basis... we don't have any specific rules. We DO have morals, but we are free to make use of our lives.

  3. I live my life centered around myself, though I probably do most everything that you Christians do. I get up, go to work, pay my bills, sleep, eat, and find some other activity to occupy my time (Y!A, movies, etc.)

    No I have not considered living for Jesus...ever

  4. I wake up. I eat breakfast. I go to school. I get home. I watch TV/study/eat food. Then I use the computer (sometimes R&S). I then eat dinner. Then I read a book, work on a school assignment/study, or watch a television show or movie and then go to bed.

    Note: all meals consist of some form of babby.

  5. I need no savior.I live my life more "christian"than ANY self professed christian I've seen on this site

  6. yes i have considered it but then i gave up, because believing in a deity long dead is not my thing anymore

    i grew up and forgot the fairy tales!!

  7. I live how I want to live. I don't make my life revolve around someone who may not have existed, and I don't believe anyone on this planet truly does.

  8. Shower.


    Pray to a golden statue of Richard Dawkins (those things are bloody expensive, but we all have to have them or all the other atheists give us funny looks and make remarks about us behind our backs.)

    Two hours mandatory pushing hard drugs on children.  Children who say no get eaten.


    Attend Atheist Church meeting in which we come up with new and exciting ways of turning people away from the One True God and his Son Jesus Christ who we all know is Lord and Saviour but we choose to rebel against him because we're angry with him for some reason.

    Go to riotous orgy of s*x, drugs and other depravity.

    Break for dinner consisting of roasted human baby and brussels sprouts.

    Resume s*x/drugs orgy.

    Go home.

    m********e again.

    Pray to golden statue of Richard Dawkins.


  9. I don't believe that's anyone's business but their own

    Just because you choose to live your life for JC, doesn't mean anyone else has to. Free Will & Free Choice for everyone I say!

    No offence intended of course, just expressing my views.

    No, I'd rather live for myself, my family and friends - I don't need to prove myself to a Higher Power in any way. I know I'm a decent, honest, genuine, truthful and kind hearted individual.

    I don't believe I need to be a Christian or go to Church every Sunday to be all of the above and more either.

    Jesus doesn't help pay my bills, I have to do that myself.

    All The Best


  10. I look after my daughter all day, go to university twice a week. No I have never considered Jesus because I am not a Christian. I am not going to write EVERYTHING I do on a daily basis, that would be boring

  11. I get up, I feed my cat and let her out, I make some tea, i shower and dress and have breakfast and go to work. then i come home, sometimes i go and visit my parents, sometimes i go out for a drink and meal with friends, sometimes i go to the theatre, but more often than not i come home, cook a nice meal and then spend the evening at home. At weekends I go shopping, or ill go for a night on the town, in the summer i have bbqs, or i have friends round for cocktails. On sundays i like to go for long walks in parks or to the countryside.

    And no, being Atheist I wouldn't consider living for Jesus.

  12. Unlike religion, atheism is not a lifestyle.  I live like a human being.  I do my job, relax, spend time with my wife, and generally enjoy the benefits of my hard work and good fortune.  I feel sorry for people so empty that they have to fill their lives with pointless things like God or Jesus.  Why spend all your time on earth waiting to leave earth?  This is life, don't waste it thinking about a mythical afterlife.

  13. being an atheist isnt a way of life. i simply do not believe in any god, because it isn't logical to. i have no proof that there is a god. it pisses me off that a lot of religious people presume that atheists are bad people. i am a moral person, i do not lie, steal, cheat,gamble. my life is probably pretty siimilar to yours. the only difference is, i dont waste my time going to a pretty building to worship a mythical being. and i dont do things 'because god says thats what ur meant to do', i do them because i personally believe they are the right thing to do, based on how i was brought up.

  14. Really? You shop for Christ, go to work for Christ, do the laundry for Christ? How interesting.

    Have you ever considered living for Zeus in your lifetime?

  15. I work 2 jobs. I run an Atheist website, I hang out with my friends and Girlfriend.

    I used to think I lived for Jesus, I am a former minister and a theology student. I spent the first 21 years of my life in Christianity, went to bible college and learned Hebrew. I am trying to start a mental health organization for people recovering from theology.

  16. I live my life centered on myself and people I care about. Selfish, I know, but being me is the only constant in my life.

    No, I never considered living for a mythological figure. It's like living for Hercules would feel for you. Sure, he was great and did many heroic deeds, and even went to Hades and back, but can you convince yourself he's real?

  17. Wake up whenever I finally feel like it (too young to have a job, and am homeschooled as of last year, so I finish my work when I have time), usually go to the bathroom/eat, read a book or magazine for a bit, do my schoolwork for a couple of hours, go eat some lunch and read a magazine or book for a bit, then do various activities. Something like hanging out with a friend seeing a movie, reading a book, working in the garden, playing with my rats (pet rats, VERY clean, very tame), etc.

    I used to be religious, but found the whole concept and their views and actions quite unsatisfactory. Sorry, but you wanted genuine answers *shrug*

  18. i have fun and enjoy life:)

  19. Eat, breath, sit, walk, drive, care for my son, interact with my family, read, waste time on TV and the internet.


  20. Firstly i would have to ask you why? Thinking of becoming one and wanna know how/if your life would change?

    No reason to think/believe we do anything different than you do other than choose not to believe in things that dont exist. That is not a flame, just the truth. We play games, excercise, love, hate, enjoy life. In fact we probably enjoy life more because knowing there are no 'eternal consequences' for things we dont have to do any dancing around with the premise that someone is watching/judging us from above. Not that alot of 'christians' generally do this anyways, or if they do they work under the premise that if they 'repent' in some way they will be 'forgiven'.

    So in my opinion, people are people, and do whatever it is that they do in the course of their day, what they choose to believe in is generally seperate from that and falls under different circumstances. Unless of course they are door knockers/leaflet hander outers or worse yet corner preachers yelling out their thoughts/beliefs. Then that falls under another topic all together and isnt worth getting into.

    If people could only choose what they want to believe in and leave it at that, keep it to themselves, dont force it on their kids or other people and not worry what others think/believe, maybe there would be no wars and everyone would be 'happy'...

  21. We talk, eat, breathe, just like you do.

  22. Poor you.

    What is your benefit ? Is Jesus your husband ? Thats really cool.

    What do I do ?

    Study, work, having fun, etc.

  23. Wash, dress, check my e-mails.  Have breakfast.  Work on my garden (downpours permitting), otherwise it varies.  I'm taking a break from work having just moved to a different part of the country.

    " Have you ever considered living for Jesus Christ in your lifetime?

    I'm an ex-Christian atheist, as are many.  I taught evangelism and trained bible study group-leaders.

    At one point I put myself forward for a missionary post in Kabul, Afghanistan, but the mission had to close before I heard either way about being accepted.

  24. Nothing out of the ordinary. Wake up, eat, school, extra studies, play some xbox, eat, read and randomly within there I'm with friends when possible. Freaky, eh? When I was younger, I was Christian and even went through Confirmation and graduated, only because of my parents though. I'm now Atheist because I can choose for myself now.

  25. Chuckle.

    I believe they do the same things you do, eat, sleep, breathe, drive, read, wear clothes, talk with people, work, etc. They just do it for themselves and their families.

    BTW - anything you make public is an open invitation to insults, judgements, and criticism.

    I believe waht stops them is their inablity(or unwillingness) to believe in someone or something that has no tangible proof other than words n a book.

  26. um i hve fun doin wat i love to do wit no religious bs standing in my way and yes i grew up "living for christ" for 14 yrs then i grew up and started on my path of realizing there is no jesus to live for and its all a sham to control ppl keep them down and tke their money  

  27. I am retired now, so today I went shopping, did lots of housework and worked on the car. Mostly my life is orientated towards my wife, family and friends.

    We travel a little, swim and play Badminton.

    I studied the History of Religion (specialised in the history of Christianity) and Comparative Religion amongst other subjects. I am sorry, it is an interesting subject that is for sure, but, I could never believe in it.

  28. "I know a few atheists first-hand, and their daily activities include (but are not limited to) doing drugs and beating their children, and not going to church and listening to black metal and worshipping Richard Dawkins and spreading their lies and tempting innocent souls into a sinful lifestyle."

    h**l yeah! s*x, drugs and rock and rolll! Whoo-hoo!

  29. I sleep,eat,work etc but I think of Jesus and God about as much as you think of Allah and Mohammed or you think about Elvis living on the moon.Did you try lots of other religons before finding out about Jesus?.I don't see any evidence for any God or Gods.  

  30. Just a days work and play and of course sleep - I'm just an ordinary guy. Oh in my days work I save lives help people live happer, healther lives - I'm a therapist

  31. Our lives are not an enigma. Were not irregular. We live normal lives. Everything you do except we do it for ourselves and to better ourselves.  

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