
Atheists: When people in R&S tell you you're evil and going to h**l..?

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does it remind you of that crazy, god warrior, gargoyle woman from Wife Swap?

if you haven't seen it, watch it. fast forward to about 55 seconds to get to the good stuff.




  1. HAAAHAHAHAHA!!! I remember seeing that episode.  That lady was insane.  I was living in Dallas at the time and I've met my share of people similar enough to her that it wasn't a shocker, but I tend to avoid them enough that I've never seen a meltdown like that.

    Yeah, it kinda does make me think of when fundies start screaming about how I'm going to h**l or whatever on here.  

    Whenever I see that video, I can just feel her daughters losing faith in Christianity.

  2. Seen it already. I try not to remember her face.

    Although as a person living in the South I can verify that she and her friends are -NOT- uncommon. I know many, many Christians like them.

  3. when i hear that i just laugh.

    and i kind of feel bad for those ppl,

    i wish they could be free

  4. Unbelievable that people like that still exist that woman has serious mental issues she is to be pitied.  I don't believe in heaven or h**l as the abodes of God or the Devil, what I believe is, Heaven is a state of extreme happiness and h**l is a state of torment,suffering and misery and each only exist on earth.

  5. i could care less what they say because there is no h**l, and no it doesn't remind me of that

  6. I haven't had anybody tell me that yet, I reluctantly say.

  7. I just let it go in one ear and out the other, then laugh hysterically at them.`

  8. H*ly Freakin' Sh*t! It's people like them that make me glad I use my head. It seemed as if she had been possessed or something! Talk about irony.

    It's sad though, at the same time for her. I feel sorry for her and her kids. I feel sorry for her because she completely lacks the ability to open her eyes and look around her, and her kids because they did nothing wrong and their mother starts screaming at them. Yikes.

    I hope she watched that episode as saw how much of a tantrum she was throwing, but somehow I think that she doesn't watch the show because it's so 'dark-sided'.

  9. *Shudder*


    Yeah. But I just laugh and play along like I'm Satan or summat. Shuts em up fast.

  10. seen it, that's a good example

  11. WEll, she just kind of>>. takes your breath away huh?

    And when people like her tell me that I am going to go to h**l?, ha ha ?,

    Actually I really just get a good laugh out if it!

    Like who cares what they think anyway! I don't.

  12. If I were a believer, I wouldn't want to be called a "God warrior."  I'd rather be a "God ninja."

  13. Sometimes, but then I imagine them doing so while wearing party hats and find it mildly amusing for a millisecond.

    I need to lay off the Redbull, but Mrs. God Warrior needs a good dose of thorazine.

  14. y r u psycho just cuz u have faith??

  15. This woman wasn't a true Christian as she claims.  A true Christian doesn't do all that yelling, if anything she should have been on her knees and praying and asking God to forgive her and the people she was dealing with, and he would have given her the strength and more patience  that she needed.  This woman was not a true "Fearing GOD" person.  The Bible says there are all kinds of Demons.

  16. The reason why this is so is that the greater bulk of so called spiritual people are living like mental midgets who can not think for themselves and are living in very sheltered lives .

  17. no h**l so idc and i watched that video and I had one response to it that it only proved that christianity provocated violence and hatred  

  18. "They're not Christiannn! I'm a god warriorrr!" Or so if I recall correctly.

    I felt so bad for her kids though. Mom coming home should be a happy occasion, instead she just ruined it and made her kids afraid.

    Oh yeah, I forgot the "dark sided!"

    'Gargials' lol

  19. Yes i seen that show a few times and she was a stone cold nut.or do i mean mutt.People like that spewing their words of hate saying you;ll go to h**l if you don't do and believe what i do.I think people like that should be sent to their rooms never to leave again.I believe that we can choose to believe in God or not as we are humans with brains.Not like the wife-swap kook.  lol

  20. She haunts my dreams..... she is more frightening than the boogey man. I have to check under my bed and in the closet before I go to sleep at night, just to make sure her large hypocritical mouth is not creeping in the shawdows.... I even bought a nightlight... *trembles*

  21. Lol, yeah. It makes me angry, but it's also kind of amusing.

  22. I usually just picture an image of an idiot 7th grader or an older fundie. Usually a Baptist fundie.

  23. LOL, what a psycho.  "THEY'RE NOT A CHRISTIANS!".


  24. "I'm a God Warrior!!!"

    LOL   LOL

  25. I am reminded of my poor, deluded mother, who sent me two e-mails this week about starting to horde non-perishable foods because she had three separate dreams about Obama becoming President causing the end-times to begin...she's been reading too many Left Behind books, if you ask me.

    Edit:  lol, Shelly...How would her mouth even fit under your bed?  You must sleep on the top bunk...

  26. Yes, totally!

    I find Christians hard to take, even the most reasonable ones, when they condemn non-Christians, not just atheists, to h**l.  I supervise some fundies, and if I commented on their religiosity, they could grieve the living daylights out of me, and probably would.  I choose to ignore them and their petty thoughts and shut up about my views.  It's safer that way.

    When they say they are going to pray for me, that means to me:  "I am going to do absolutely nothing for you, (or maybe) I'll pity you.".......Useless.

    As Robert G. Ingersoll said, "The hands that help are better far than the lips that pray."

    Save us from Christianity........that's one dumb concept.

  27. Yes it does.  At first it's hilarious, but then when you see the faces of her children when she tells them to get out of her house, it's heartbreaking.  Definitely psychotic.

  28. yes

  29. I want to make love with her.

  30. The woman appears to be in need of her meds. I    have seen a couple of friends of mine who are bipolar behave very much like this when they were hypo-manic and off medication.

      I am an agnostic, so I catch it from both sides, however sometimes the evangelicals creep me out. Several years ago, a receptionist at the office, invited me to  her church. I politely declined, adding that I am not religious. She  then told me  that I would go straight to h**l when I die if I did not go to her church.Her tone of voice was that of a concerned citizenm, and that is what freaked me out.

  31. One of these days I'm gonna have to make a t-shirt with that ***** on the front- and SHE'S NOT A CHRISTIANNNNN on the back!

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