
Atheists: Where did matter come from?

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I'm not trying to make a statement. Just curious what you believe might be the source of matter. I'm aware of the Big Bang theory and used to subscribe to the multiverse school of thought myself, but neither address the origin of the matter of the universe. Any deeper thoughts out there?




  1. Search "Large Hadron Collider"

  2. The Big Bang theory is the most widely-supported hypothesis based on current evidence. It's got its own problems to sort out, obviously; the curvature issue is still up in the air to me, because I think Inflation Theory is rubbish. But I'm firm in the idea that matter came from condensed energy, as demonstrated by Einstein's famous equation.

  3. In the quantum universe, "effect" can precede "cause".

    So it's possible that the universe was spontaneously created and the cause for that creation happened later..

    Another theory is that we are the result of a "white hole", which is the opposite of a black hole and that the matter and energy from another universe erupted in ours.

  4. Not from god . . .  

  5. David Hume is the man you should look into -

    You are basing all your assumptions on the use of logic and the operation of causation - which works fine within this universe - but as soon as you step outside of time, the concept of causation no longer works. Why? Simply because causation is dependent on time, thus where time is not present then neither does something require a logical cause in order to happen. This leads onto a query into "what is nothingness?" which can get boring quickly.

    Suffice to say, we have 2 alternatives:-

    1.  The universe is uncaused


    2a. God is uncaused;

    2b. God caused the universe

    Now the question is, if we apply ockhams razor, which is more simple (therefore most likely). Well, if God can be uncaused then it is possible that anything can be uncaused. Thus, it is plausible that the universe is uncaused. Accordingly, the direct uncaused universe is more simple than having the intermediate agency of God.

    The simple fact is that you can never logically determine the cause of an uncaused thing. It is like saying that you can predict an actual random event. Logic and description cannot operate in those terms because they exist outside of the realms of the laws of logic.  

  6. according to the most accurate models, matter was first formed a split second after the big bang, as primordial energy underwent a phase change, forming the first sub-atomic particles

  7. The omniverse has existed for eternity.  It was not created.  Energy or matter have always existed.

    The only 2 choices I have ever heard is that either God has always existed or the omniverse has always existed.  The omniverse can be very simple but God is complex.  There is no good explanation of such complexity could just be.

  8. You have as good of an idea as to where it came from as i do. This is something that no one knows yet. If you find comfort in some sort of religion (Christianity is my guess) then by all means enjoy your life.

  9. Well the multiverse does explain it.

    The energy from the singularity that created the universe could be eternal for all we know

    We don't know where it came from, no one does.  I don't see what your point is because I would hope you would not be naive enough to assume that what we cant explain must therefor be a deity.

    There are some hypotheses out there which speculate this question, and the multiverse is just one of them.

  10. Just wait a few more days, we might have an answer when the Standard Model is completely established after finding the Higgs Bosons.

    Meanwhile, I suppose we could contemplate on this question:

    How does God come about?  If God came from nothing, there must be plenty of nothing still floating around, so why would there be just one God instead of many?

  11. Utube search elegant universe it is simplified but pretty accurate .

  12. It is hypothesized that matter forms when energy particles pass through a Higgs field.  Those particles which don't interact with the field are energy, while the particles which do interact with the field become matter.

    However, the field's existence is not proven.  Physicists are trying to create a particle called a Higgs boson, which would give credence to the idea.

    I'm not an atheist, by the way; I just love science.

  13. E = MC2

    M = C2/E

    C2 = E/M

  14. E=mc^2.  matter can be converted to energy and energy can be converted to matter.

    and how is this a religious question?

  15. I don't really know. Apparently when photons decompose or something they become matter... I'm no astrophysisist though. Lol. I don't mind saying I don't know, though.

  16. What if it's always been there, that the universe itself has always been around and was never created in the first place.  

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