
Atheists: You're going to h**l in a handbasket, but are you at least enjoying the ride?

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Atheists: You're going to h**l in a handbasket, but are you at least enjoying the ride?




  1. Kool Aid do you enjoy bearing FALSE WITNESS? Looks like you are along for the ride.

  2. ANYONE who is destined for h**l can laugh now. But they'll spend more than a billion times the length of their mortal life in excruciating pain.

  3. Oh well.

  4. Sure. Although the price of drinks is a bit high. next time i will be sure to bring my own.

  5. It's pretty d**n hard to go somewhere that does not exist... Just like it's impossible for you to go to heaven!

  6. You know it!

    At least the company will be good.

  7. Being that the General Theory of Religion is unproven and in my estimation false, h**l is nothing more than a figment of your imagination, thus does not equate.

  8. And loving every minute of it.

    That's a burden on your shoulders,not mine ;)  

  9. My cat loved a handbasket, she would crawl into it and I'd swing her around, it was one of her favorite games.

    So my cat is in the afterlife now, in her handbasket, and I wouldn't mind joining her later on, whether it's called heaven or h**l.

  10. h**l doesn't exist...the closest thing to h**l is, in fact, earth...

    since your bashing atheists i take it you believe in god?

    do you seriously think the god you know and love and pray to every night for forgiveness and acceptance also created an underworld of fire where people's souls are tortured by an evil devil?

    i really don't think so...

    why don't you just stop bashing people, get a life, turn off your d**n computer, go have some fun and be nice to people?

  11. cool, you're going to the same place that you were before you were born in agnoy.

  12. BEst ride I have ever been on.  Care to join me?

  13. We aren't going to h**l at all: there is no such thing.  But I am mostly enjoying life.

  14. h**l yeah!

  15. Every step of the way!

  16. Hand basket?  More like a limo.

  17. Atleast it'll be warm ^_^

  18. Sure am, thanks for asking

  19. Where am I going?  Why am I in this handbasket?



  20. You bet your sweet @rse I am.

  21. ??????????????

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