
Atheists and Agnostics: Could you please read this Washington Post article about us? And ...?

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share your thoughts on the Comment section for that article as well please?




  1. This is what I posted there :

    The major political parties in the USA are the laughing stock of the more civilized , advanced courtries for their pandering to "God" believers . It is because the USA allows everyone to vote no matter how superstitious or poorly educated they are . Today in the New York newspapers is the story about how the ASPCA removed over 100 animals ( goats ,turtles , doves , etc.) from a private home . They were about to be sacraiced in a Santaria religious ceremony . The ASPCA had to take them on the grounds that they were being overcrowded and the number was in excess for farm animals in a residential area .Why the premise ? Because Religious ritual animal sacrafice is LEGAL and PROTECTED in the USA !

    Come on people ... It's the 21st Century !

    Lets stop superstitions from deciding our fates .

  2. He's lucky though, the Dems. are less likely to shoot them than some zealot Republicans. At least the blue party doesn't typically *hate* us...ignoring is better than hate I guess.

  3. Who cares if atheists don't make it into politics.  We OWN science, which is what truly runs this world.

  4. *sigh* if only church and state were completly seperate. wish an athiest would run for office  

  5. The only thing more dangerous than mixing religion with science is mixing religion with government.

  6. I'm with Kyle

  7. It's unfortunate that it has become necessary for political participants to indulge the religious community like this, but I don't feel like the situation is as dire as it appears in the editorial.  What is at issue is not whether a person really is religious but whether they maintain the appearance of religious conviction, which can be as easily and passively accomplished as simply not interrupting a prayer circle at the DNC.

    On one hand, it's not exactly consonant to the Constitution that you should have to hide your beliefs to participate fully in US politics.  On the other hand, it's fairly understood that you don't actually have to be religious to pull this off (take a look at our politicians- most recently, McCain's campaign co-chair Rep. Bob Allen was arrested after offering to blow an undercover cop for $20).  With a long list of stories like that in mind, it's hard to feel to indignant at having to participate in this superficial formality.

  8. Vote Libertarian and scare the s**t out of them.

  9. Its true - people would prefer to vote for a homosexual than an atheist.

    Thats ok - Obama '08 = an atheist in the Whitehouse, again.

    Jefferson, nudge.  

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