
Atheists and an afterlife?

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Are there any atheists here that can be humble enough to admit that no living person can know if there's an afterlife or not?

Atheists are well-known for being level-headed and rational, but it seems many of them are CONVINCED—they don't BELIEVE, they KNOW—that any form of an afterlife does not exist.

Now I don't want to hear how it's "irrational" or "unlikely", because that means you strongly BELIEVE, not that you KNOW that there isn't an afterlife.

With the limits of human knowledge, how can you claim to "know" this if you have never been dead?




  1. i don't know, im 99.9999999...9999% sure there isn't one just as i am 99.9999999...9999% sure there is no santa claus  

  2. I don't claim to know; I just call others on it when they DO claim to know, without evidence...

  3. youre asking the wrong ones....some of us do know cuz we are born again thru the spirit of God....but it only happens for those who are born again!!

  4. heres an idea-

    kill yourself then come back and tell us if we never hear from you again we know there is none.

  5. There is not one shred of evidence to support any kind of "afterlife".

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