
Atheists do you believe that there could be?

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Atheists do you believe that there could be life after death. A belief that god does not exist does not preclude reincarnation. Could the Buddhists be on to something? There is more evidence for reincarnation (as weak as it is) than there is for a god. There are many enigmas in this world that are yet to be fully explained.





  1. Reincarnation requires belief in a soul, something eternal and indestructible that goes on even after the body is gone. Let's suspend disbelief for long enough to make this argument, shall we?

    If there are souls, there must be souls waiting to be reincarnated. What sort of power oversees this? Does it just happen on it's own? I absolutely cannot believe in a higher power, so let's say it happens on it's own.

    What happens when the birthrate exceeds the death rate? Every body must have a soul, yes? Are new souls being created? Who or what is creating them, then? And when the death rate exceeds the birthrate, such as during the bubonic plague? What becomes of those souls? I can't believe in heaven or h**l or limbo or whatever, so do these souls just roam the earth? How is it decided, especially without some sort of supervising higher power supervising the whole thing and making sure souls take turns? And wouldn't there be an increase in supernatural activity? I don't believe in ghosts.

    Sorry, I tried, but I just can't get it to sound plausible.  

  2. no

  3. Personally, no. You and your body are not two separate entities. If your body is damaged "beyond repair" and dies, nothing survives it. Your consciousness is a product of your brain. Once it ceases to function, who you are ceases to exist as well. In those circumstances, what would remain to "live"?

  4. I'm 99% sure that life after death is not a possibility.  

  5. sure. its possible, but just like God, i have no reason to believe it and im definitely not betting on it. I will continue to try living this life to the fullest for it may very well be my only one.

  6. It's possible, but there's zero evidence for it, and if perchance it IS true, no-one knows anything at all about it.

    "To dismiss the idea of reincarnation and believe our consciousness simply terminates when we die is the equivalent of someone that believes in god and bases it on faith."

    No, that's completely wrong. If I have a sealed box and say "we don't know what's inside this box, but I know there's no flying purple turtle in there", that's not at ALL the same as saying "I know based on faith that there's a flying purple turtle inside this box".

    No matter how much you want it to be so, it's simply not true that saying "there is no god" or "there is no afterlife" is as much a matter of faith as claiming to know those things.

    "The fact is we do not know for sure."

    So? Knowing "for sure" isn't important. What matters is what we know.

  7. yes

  8. Afraid not. Sorry. It would be nice if there was, sure.  

  9. Nope.

    There's no evidence of any such thing and it just seems like wishful thinking

  10. No, but perhaps you could entertain me with this so-called evidence.  

  11. Everything is possible.  However, not everything is probable.  We determine what is probable from looking at the evidence.

    If there is no evidence, it is highly improbable, just like the existence of the invisible pink unicorn.

  12. Atheists ARE their own god.  They think they are all-knowing.  They only believe in themselves.  Reincarnation?  Who's going to reincarnate you?  

  13. I don't know. I'm always open because I would like to exist a little bit longer but let's think about it for a second. What makes me me? Is it my memories, my personality, my experiences? Well all those things are physical, they exist in my brain. When I die my brain shuts down and all the information that is in it is lost. h**l even suffering brain damage could cause me to lose memories, so have I lost a part of my soul?

    If there is a part of us that lives on, some kind of undetectable life force that escapes the body it would not be me, but something else. Maybe it has it's own memories of all of it's past lives combined, or maybe it has no memories or mind of it's own and just seeks a new body to inhabit. But were would such a thing have come from? A greater soul? But whence come that?

    No, I don't think a soul is a realistic idea, and I don't think we live on after we die.

  14. There could be, but I have seen no good evidence to suggest that there is.

    ...and no, unverifiable statements made by mental patients under hypnosis do not count as good evidence.

  15. yes god exists and there's life after death.

  16. It's possible. However, I disagree that there is more evidence for reincarnation than for a god. There is exactly the same amount of credible evidence — none at all. That's why I don't believe in either.

  17. maybe but ill cross that bridge when i get there. i don't think speculating about it is really the best use of our time.

    Past life regression on the other hand. from the link you provided looks like more of a therapeutic tool rather then scientific evidence of reincarnation. also under hypnosis people tend to be very suggestible and also very creative so it is possible that these memories of past lives could just be the product of a vivid imagination.

  18. What makes people think reincarnation is not of God?

    The bible? The book of lies.

    God is Love, Love is God.

    Trust Love.

    Peace, love, calm and positivity to all.

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