
Atheists - do you eat pork or are you vegetarian...?

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  1. Is there a dietary requirement for atheists? Because I've been feeding my husband vegetables with pork for years... obviously I'm being sarcastic.... I'm waiting for your punchline.

  2. I eat everything

    but did you know all meat is filthy not just pork

    My daughter is a nurse and she told me this

  3. Humans are omnivores, they eat meat and vegetables.  Pork is meat.  Pork chops, pork roast, ham, pickled pigs feet (UGH!).  Becoming a vegetarian is an individual choice based on no reason at all.

    Obviously, then, I am an omnivore.

  4. Why is this important? I eat very little pork.

    PLUS, I have a feeling this will become some sort of preaching that says "he who hath doubt of our Lord Jesus Christ, shall dine upon thy swine and not of our plentiful beef and vegetation". So--whatever dude

  5. I am vegetarian.  Why is it important?

  6. Neither. I'm not vegetarian by any means, but pork is gross.  

  7. I am a vegetarian Atheist. I believe all life is sacred and i respect every creatures right to exist.

  8. Im vegetarian..

    but that has nothing to do with me being atheist.

  9. I eat whatever is easiest to make.

  10. Roast pork with crackling and apple sauce is the best frigging thing in the universe!  I haven't had it in a very very long time, though.

  11. Well....I used to be a hardcore meat eater(it's that whole kentucky thing), but anymore I'm seemingly moving towards a more organic and whole food diet with a lot of healthy and nutritious foods.

    Yoga, Meditation, and Buddhist philosophy has changed my life

  12. I eat pork occasionally, but I prefer beef, chicken or shrimp.

  13. I am on a seefood diet.  Any food I see, I eat.

  14. I eat everything

  15. I don't eat pork because I don't like the taste, I'm not a vegetarian  

  16. Yes I eat pork, therefore I'm obviously not vegetarian.

  17. I seldom eat pork, but I am not a vegetarian. Now beef, you can wake me up for a nice steak.

  18. Was a Vegetarian for a long time but now I eat meat occasionally.

    What's it to you?

  19. I was veggie for a long time, but now I'm back to being an omnivore.  

  20. Why do you think it's important?  I know my theory, at least on meat.  But I'm not an atheist.

    I just think if you believe humans are animals, and you eat meat, you could technically be a murderer.

    That cow could be your cousin or something.

    I'm not a vegetarian, either.  I don't believe humans are animals.

  21. Vegetarian - and the odd bit of fish if I catch it myself.

  22. Vegetarian. Why is this important?  

  23. It's not important, but I do eat pork and all other types of meat.

  24. i dont really get the question, but im an athiest and im not a vegetarian

  25. I try to eat mostly vegetables. And fish. My family's big on meat so I try to use chicken when I'm cooking for them.

    It's because it takes three years to raise a cow, and two to raise a crop of plants, so there's more for everyone if I don't eat beef.

    Also, pigs are quite intelligent. The conditions they're raised in before they're slaughtered are frequently terrible.  

  26. Not even slightly important.

  27. Being Atheist has nothing to do with being vegetarian or not.  All Atheist really means is that one doesn't believe in any god(s).  

    I love meat, pork is nummy. Om nom nom nom.

  28. mmmm, bacon.  I eat pork.

  29. I'm not a vegetarian,

    yes I eat pork, beef etc.

  30. its not as important as god. (:

  31. I'm a vegetarian, but I eat pork on my days off.

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