
Atheists: do you think religious people actually believe or are they just going through the motions?

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Over time a lot of extreme things have happened to those who fall out of line with their church, synagogue, or mosque etc.

There are many little examples of social outcasting as well, when ordinary people go about their simple lives and suddenly have sinned without even knowing it.

So, is it easier to go along with the crowd than to form your own design template for your life?




  1. much easier to go with the crowd. we evolved as a social species so its an innate desire to belong.

  2. Blah Blah Blah Random Scripture. Blah

  3. Hey Chemists, what do you think about those Geologists?  Do they know what they are doing?

  4. I know I believed when I was Christian.

    And I know many theists who obviously believe.

    The ones that are usually unstable in their beliefs are the ones who are constantly quoting scripture, attacking non-believers, etc.

    The theists that I know believe very truly are very polite and calm about their beliefs.

  5. Both. My mother never really thought about religion and only called herself a Christian because that's how she was raised. My father has studied the subject for 35 years and has a very well-informed, devout faith.

  6. I am quite satisfied that they actually believe what they claim -- no matter how silly it is.  Which does not mean that they always follow those professed beliefs.

  7. It truly depends on the person.

    I have met people who are true, devout believers; and I have met people that kinda shrug and go, "Yeah, I believe in God, and stuff...I guess."  

  8. many do believe others don't really care, some just use god as an excuse for themselves or their children and others really don't but they go with the flow anyway

  9. I actually think that deep inside most don't which is why they get so angry when something contradicts their fantasy .

    See what I mean ? Bet I get a lot of thumbs down from them .

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