
Atheists does it make you mad that?

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you might not be around to see the inevitable end of religion?




  1. I am too apathetic about religion to really care

  2. Couldn't care less.  I am comfortable in my knowledge and in my life.  I don't need to long for something like that to give me purpose.

    I leave that to idiotic religionists who need some pretend after-life to give their lives purpose.

  3. Unfortunately, we're still hundreds or even thousands of years away from that time.

  4. YES!

  5. polin looks masterbatingly electable

  6. No because i do not care when they fail, i know i am right and that makes me happy in itself =]

  7. What makes you think religion is gonna end?????

  8. It doesn't make me mad or discourage me from the cause. I know that when it happens it will make the world a better place for the future generations, but I think we should focus more on Islam than on Christianity.

    The non-muslim population of Europe is at a negative growth rate, while Muslims are the fastest growing group in the world right now. That, along with their large rate of immigration to Europe will make our European friends Islamic states in no time.

  9. But we are leading the way!!

    Science has shown atheists have a higher intelligence than people with a strong religious faith. The difference is 5.8 points according to findings in developmental psychology!!!    

    More members of the "intellectual elite" considered themselves atheists than the national average.

    Only 7 percent of members of the American National Academy of Sciences believed in God. Whilst only 3.3 percent believed in God in the UK’s Royal Society.

    Several Gallup poll studies of the general population have shown that those with higher IQ’s tend not to believe in God."

    Evolution in action with Christians getting left behind like the monkeys and apes before them!!!

  10. "Inevitable"?

    Religion won't end, sorry to brake it to you.

    Even if it was going to end, that wouldn't make me mad, I would just accept that I wasn't going to see it happen.

  11. Nope.  It's just right that I know the truth.  

  12. Does it make you happy to think that atheists won't be around to see the 'inevitable end of religion'?

    How shallow.  

    Religion doesn't bother me.  It's the religious fanatics like yourself that really grind my gears.

  13. Won't happen as long as humanity must cope with death.

  14. yes...its rather sad...  

  15. It makes me furious. Masturbatingly.

  16. I'd be satisfied as long as I get so see at least some nice progress towards that end while I'm alive...

  17. oh it never ends. The world could be destroyed by a giant meteor but you know there would be one man left with no legs somewhere in the ruins of NYC screaming "i know your are testing my faith lord, i still believe!!" it NEVER goes away

  18. No, it doesn't.

    I am content.

  19. Not mad, but a bit dissapointed. Eventually logic and reason will prevail and people will stop believing in bronze age myths based on faith.

  20. How does atheism make any sense?  

    Essentially you are trying to measure the wind speed with a thermometer and then denying the existence of wind when it doesnt work.

    The scriptures lay out all the keys to obtaining spiritual confirmation of the existence of God.  They lay out the necessary steps and procedures and explain what to look for as confirmation.  It isnt just some random, I believe because I cant imagine a world without belief, its as easy to measure as the temperature IF you use the right tools.  

    Do you believe there is no wind because you cant measure it with a thermometer?  No, you use the right procedures and tools to get accurate answers.  

    Read James 1:5

    and Moroni 10:4-8

    Follow the advice, they promise results and tell you what to expect.  

  21. Hmm...I really never thought about it. But now that you put the idea in my head I'm feel sorta empty inside.

  22. I'm glad that you think the end of religion is inevitable. There are few days that I feel that optimistic! Good for you!

  23. Not me.  It makes me feel hopeful that there ever WOULD be an end to it.

  24. People will just cease to be when religion ends.

    Religion is like the food for humans.

    Man does not live by food alone, it is said.

    Nor would atheists ever end, I think

  25. I am just glad it has stopped with my husband and I and our children.  Same with my brother and sister and their families.  

    It will happen, people are finally waking up and realizing they don't need it.  As long as they teach their children also, it will end in the next few generations.  We have already come a long way just in the last 50 years, h**l, 20 years.

  26. no not really.

    People can believe what they like as long as they don't bother me with it

  27. Well I hope they won't be to shocked when first Jesus comes back for His believers and the whole world is in an uproar. And second, the world will try and create a one world religion. They will accept all beliefs except Christianity. I hope yall have come to know Christ before then. I surely will be praying.

  28. No

  29. Yes.


    I would LOVE to see the end of idiocy.

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