Question: can you say there is no god...?

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Every day at work a woman and her dog come in. They look exactly alike. They also sound exactly the same with their endless yapping. Surely this cannot be merely coincidence.




  1. You are so right. Thank you for making me see the error in my ways. I will no longer live in blindness and ignorance.

  2. That is not the work of god, that is evolution for you.

  3. So they are both b*****s I assume?

  4. yessss 2 points, how can u belvine in some 1 uve never seen....

  5. If there was a god, would you even be working?  I think not!

  6. lol that's amazing :)

  7. Har har.

  8. Come to my kennel. I will give you something to yelp about.

    Another reason to spay & neuter folks...

  9. easy "there is no god"

  10. *blink blink*

  11. Whoa.  You just blew my mind.

  12. Hallelujah bruther, it's a miracle!  And those silly atheists still think we all came from monkeys...

  13. oh man, you are one funny character, let me tell you.

  14. I agree...

    How can I be this beautiful if there was no God?

  15. Is she hairy and does she have four legs?  

  16. Causation. God provides the best explanation for the existence of the universe and all that's in it. (The alternative theory is that "nothing" exploded and resulted in everything that we see.)

    Order. God provides the best explanation for abstract notions such as numbers, mathematical formulae, chemical-based processes, and natural laws. (The alternative theory is that the chaotic first elements ordered themselves into complex information systems.)

    Design. God provides the best explanation for the absolute complexity inherent in cosmological, stellar, planetary, chemical and biological systems. (The alternative theory is that random chance engineered apparent design.)

    Encoded Instructions. God provides the best explanation for the digital DNA code contained in and controlling the functions of all life on earth. (The alternative theory is that complex code, such as binary code running computers, can pop into existence without any kind of programming, testing and debugging process.)

    Irreducible Complexity. God provides the best explanation for fully functioning biological organisms, systems, and subsystems that couldn’t come about through gradual evolutionary process without totally ceasing to exist at lower, evolutionary levels. (The alternative theory is that biological systems took huge, unseen leaps from simple to complex without any guided process or forward-looking instructions.)

    Duality. God provides the best explanation for the separate human functions of brain and conscience (matter and mind). (The alternative theory is monism -- only matter exists and the human brain only appears to have a separate subconscious ability.)

    Morality. God provides the best explanation for the existence of love, emotion, altruism, and inherent moral/ethical values throughout the world. (The alternative theory is that unguided materialistic processes evolve higher human consciousness.)  

  17. That isn't a dog it's her twin sister they never evolved .

  18. Surely

  19. Sarcasm aside you've so far provided the best 'proof' for god anyone has ever given me.

    Still not enough ;)

  20. Are you certain one of them is a dog?

  21. WOW! You're completely right. You are an asset to all of those attempting to prove the existence of God. This argument is amazing. I'd better go to church on Sunday.

  22. Haha, I lol'd.

  23. Very easily.  One can move one's lips to enunciate the correct syllables.  "There is no god".  4 syllables.  Very easy.

  24. surely thats evidence there is no god

    why would a diety be so cruel?

  25. I'm convinced and converted! Thank you Jesus!

  26. They might both be women.

    Or dogs.

    Who knows?

  27. I'm sick of all this. I wish everyone would leave the poor atheists alone!

    And haha. Your sarcasm is wonderful.

    How can you say there IS a God? No one knows and we never will, so keep your mouth shut.

  28. Uh huh

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