
Atheists: how many of you were not raised as atheists?

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and why did you chose atheism then ,are u happy now ,do you hate theists or you are absolutely comfortable with them ,do any theists question you and try to convince you to leave atheism ,also do you try to convince any theists to be atheists




  1. I was a jehovah's witness. I don't hate anyone. I think everyone is entitled to believe what they like so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.  To each their own.  I wouldn't hate someone for believing or not believing in god, so long as they keep it to themselves and I'll keep my views to myself.

  2. I was raised in a nominally Christian family but in reality Christianity wasn't of any great importance. I'm neutral to most religionists as long as they're not aggressively proselytising to other people.

  3. I was raised Christian, but I slowly broke into Atheism as I became more scientifically minded. I have absolutely nothing against religious people, though some of them hate me. Some have tried to convert me, but I usually stay out of peoples' religious lives.

  4. I was baptised Catholic, but I went to a secular school and was allowed to make up my own mind.

    I don't hate anyone.

    I have had theists knocking on my door, I just tell them I'm not interested.

    I have never tried to convince anyone to be an atheist, although I do enjoy a good debate and encourage people to weigh up the evidence themselves.

  5. I was raised as a Hindu. It's a good religion, good morals, the only one that doesn't have missionaries knocking on my  door at 5 a.m. Not bad considering that they have the fifth biggest religious population. I just found it hard to believe in a god or find any faith. I questioned, if god existed, would there be so much suffering in the world? It was a matter of common sense to me.

    I never talk my friends into leaving their religion. I do talk to my atheist friends how religion makes no sense though.

  6. I was not raised as an atheist.

    I didn't choose atheism.  My rational thought led me to it naturally.  No choice-making involved.

    I'm not any more or less happy.  There's no inherent emotionality that comes with atheism.

    I don't hate theists.  I just start getting a bit irked when they insist that I join their simplistic belief system or risk rotting in h**l, or whatever.

    I don't spend much time trying to convince theists to think toward atheism, I just correct misconceptions when they arise.

  7. I was raised as a Southern Baptist Christian but turned to paganism and then atheism in my 20s.  I am much happier now and I love my theist friends and family very much. I try to treat all theists with respect and I do not intentionally try to evangelize them (if I may use that word). I think each person should be free to find his/her own way.

  8. I was raised catholic. I'm not any more or less happy as an atheist.

    If theists want to debate, I am always willing, but I'm not trying to convert anyone.

  9. I was raised in a supposedly Christian home but we rarely went to church. We were the Christmas and Easter Christians you always hear about. lol And my mom changed her beliefs a lot. When I was a little kid we were Baptist. Then when I was about 10, she started dabbling in Witchcraft using the little newstand chapbooks (lol) When I was about 11 she started dating a Hispanic guy and decided she was Catholic. Then wehn I was 14, the Mormon Missionaries came to our house and she converted to Mormon. Four years later she was back to being Catholic. I'm hoping that one day she'll do something really cool like Buddism.

    As for myself. I never really belived in God, even when I was little, I just accepted what I was told but didn't really feel it for myself. When I was 12 I began studying Wicca, which I liked better but it was just too much ceremony for me. My belief now is not entirely atheist. I'd say it's more pantheist. I am very happy with what I believe. I live in the middle of the bible belt so a lot of the people around here have a problem with the fact that I'm not a Christian and many of them think I'm a Satanist. (I don't know why Satanists get such a bad rap. I know some Laveyein Satainsts and they are some of the nicest people I know.) I don't mind setting people straight on the facts of what I beleive but  I don't try to force my beliefs on others. I know how that feels and I'd be a total hypocrite to do it.

  10. I've been atheist for most of my life. My parents were indifferent Christians. I like my neighbors. My neighbors are mostly Christians. I never try to talk them into being atheist.

  11. Born and raised Catholic. Gave it up when I realized it was bollocks.

    I then tried on Taoism and Buddhism for a while, gave those up. Ultimately, I decided I didn't need a religion to tell me how to be a good person. I've been quite happy as a free man ever since.

    To answer your other question, I've never tried to 'convert' anyone to atheism. I've been quite reserved about my beliefs in daily life, honestly. I'll only ever discuss them in-depth if someone is genuinely interested in a debate on the matter.

  12. I grew up in a Christian household, though my parents were never strict with it's teachings. But they did tell me that if I did anything bad, I would go to h**l. It scared me to death. x_x In fact, I think if they had told me "and as long as you believe, you'll go to heaven" I'd still be a Christian.

    I "chose" atheism around 3rd grade when I got into science and liked to find out how things worked. And while the Bible said "blah blah God did this blah blah God did that", Science explained it in ways that were well...more logical. :P

    No I'm not happy now, but believe me, it's not because I'm an atheist. >_> I've got some depression that needs working out.

    I'm fine with theists, as long as they don't try to convert me. And hey, if they try to convert me, I think I have the right to try and convert them. XD

  13. I was raised Christian.  It didn't take.

    Part of the problem, I think, was that my mother also raised me to value reason.

  14. I was raised Jewish, but I'm agnostic now and yes I am happier.  I don't hate theists or atheists and provided they have no problems with that I may or may not agree on their views (though hating theists is a stupid question).  Heck, you have many fundaMENTALists who not only have atheists abandon their views, but they do the same thing with theists as well (so that question is mute).  Hey, people have their own religious views and that's their personal experience and I'm not going to force anyone to a certain belief system.  

  15. I chose atheism after being raised as a Christian. I am happy with my choice. I am tolerant of most theists, but not when they spew ignorance about science. And yes, I admit I like to try and shake people's faith because I feel that religion is a serious waste of time, an intellectual cop-out, and is responsible for much human suffering.

  16. My family is catholic. As a kid I was forced to attend sunday mass and bible school wednesday nights. I also went to christian camp every summer for 5 years. I was freakeshly tall (5'9 at age 11) and grossly obese and I hated myself. Over time I realized that I was the only one who could fix my situation. No bullshit god was gunna float down from the heavens and hold my hand as I got teased. I'm 16 now, kinda chunky but very healthy. I'm not exactly happy 24/7 but eh... its highschool. My life is so much better now. Believe in yourself, not in god, and you will be a much smarter, stronger person. I watched Jesus Camp on youtube the other day and it disgusted me, what those parents do with their children. But I believe in the first amendment, and people have the right to practice whatever they want, and if it makes them happy and amuses me, then hey, whatever. I know god isnt real. It would be awesome if he was though, and praying to him actually did something. There are so many things in the world that are unexplained and probably never will be 100%, but that doesn't mean you have to make **** up.

  17. I was raised Roman Catholic...My mother was a bit confused about her faith so how strict it was varied over time...In the end she found that she had a strong faith in God but didn't need the religion.  For me, I am VERY open to all faiths. I don't believe in them but I believe everyone has their own truth. Atheism is mine.

  18. I'm going to get a million thumbs down for this one but here goes.I believe atheists or should i say the reason people become atheist is because they want to rebel.and that's ok because it is human nature to want to rebel.i wish they would do a study on how many atheists go back to a belief in God later in life.I'm sure the numbers would be very telling.It is like a teenager who rebels against their parents and as we all know kids settle down and come back around in their mid 20:s.just my opinion on the situation though.

  19. I was raised vaguely Christian.

    I didn't choose atheism.  One day I realized I was an atheist.  I have no memory of every believing in god.

    I don't hate theists.  I am comfortable with most of them.  Not so much with the fundies...

    Nobody has every said anything on this forum that even remotely made me rethink my position on a divine intelligent being.

    I don't try to convince theists to become atheists.  I do point out when they're misunderstanding, misinterpreting, or deliberately misrepresenting atheism, science, and religions other then their own.

  20. Raised Assembly of God.

    You don't CHOOSE to be an atheist...honestly why is this such a hard concept? Can you choose to believe something or does it just happen?

  21. i went to a religious primary school, never believed it to be honest.

    the only religious people who annoy me are the guys who go a touch to far and run their life by the bible. there loss i guess...

  22. When you learn how to spell and put together a proper sentence, I'll consider answering your question.

  23. i was not raised atheist, i was raised as a believer, protestant technically

    i 'choose' atheism because it makes the most logical rational sence and has the most likely probability of being true, because i learned many things that led me to acknowledge this to be so

    i am very happy

    i do not hate theists,im comfortable with any kind nice tolerant friendly person

    plenty theists on here question me and tell me i need saving and shoudl beleive what they do

    i have never tried to convince anyoen to be anyone or anything, i am simply happy for us all to be who we are

  24. I was raised christian.

    Then I read the bible (all of it, not just bits and peices) and started using my own brain.

    There was no question after that.

    Then, when you learn the actual history of christianity and the bible, you wonder why people even consider beleiving in such foolishness.

  25. Actually my family thought I would be an ordained priest at this point in my life. I was deeply involved in my church. I still am to a point, more so in the aspects of charity around Christmas time.

    I became atheist over a 20 year process of questioning religion. It was always an interest to me. From Christianity to Buddhism, Hinduism, Pagan, Egyptian,  I have studied a few.

    I basically concluded that the one thing through all religions was this overwhelming lack of evidences. That these claims all said they were correct with no validation. I mean if you are going to dedicate your life to something, you should know where it came from.

    There is nothing wrong with education. I took a few university level comparative religion courses. As did a few friends of mine. One friend ended up hugely more religious. To her this was proof that she was seeking. To me it was not.

  26. I was raised in a pentecostal church.  I did not choose atheism, I simply realized there was no way I could accept their teachings as truth without some logical or reasonable evidence.

    Yes, I've had christians say I'm going to "h**l", and that they just don't understand how I can NOT be a christian.  They see atheism as a step back from theism; I saw it as a step forward, at the time.

    As a deist, I now see my deism as a step forward from atheism.

  27. Not raised as atheist.

    Bible study, philosophy and science made me an atheist.

    (in the briefest statement of it: it took years of work)

    Don't hate theists as a class.

    Not comfortable with all of them.

    (Have you listened to some American radio channels!?)

    Yes, I've been evangelised many time.

    No, but I always put my case if they want to put theirs.

  28. I was raised catholic, but I didn't choose to become an atheist. I realized the absurdity of religion.

    I am very happy.

    I don't hate anyone.

    I don't care what others believe and I recognize that any attempt to convince them their beliefs are wrong is likely to be futile.

  29. I was raised as a Christian.  Then I woke up and smelled reality.

  30. well, my father is an atheist you could say and my mother is a christian. I stopped going to church around 12, im 16 now. I chose atheism because i didnt like the concept of god, i only really listened to my sunday school teacher for life lessons, whats right or wrong etc. but i got older, matured and my way of thinking kind of changed. but i have no problem with theist, my mom and i get along really well, we dont talk about religion, instead we shop, or jog for bonding time. Also my boyfriend is hindu, and we have no issues with each others beliefs

  31. well first of all i like ur question, its a good question without any generalizations. most who ask this kind of question are so rude... but anyways i was raised to be Roman Catholic, im from  Bolivia. But at the same time we did follow some pagan aspects of our ancestors' religion so it was a mix. And i am happier as an atheist. i think as a theist it stopped me from taking life by the horns cause i would search for pity from god and would sit waiting for him to show me what my life was suppose to be. i had faith that he would lead me or something like that. then i started thinking more and more about and there is no reasonable reason why i should believe in god. i started thinking about life, about human beings and how they are, how the world is, what religion is, etc.. i have come to the conclusion that god(s) and religion are a cultural aspect that man made to help them understand things that they can't cope with, like death, like hardships, like morality, a purpose in life, etc... i don't hate theists or hate any religion. i think as a cultural aspect religion has good things about it, like it aspires some people to become better which is great. but at the same time some people us it for evil, like genocide. i don't think religion is the culprit its the person that chooses to see what they want out of religion which could be good or bad.  and i had some theist question me but nothing too serious. I am happier as an atheist because now i see the reality of things for what they are. i try to see the cause and consequence of things and handle it in a logical way versus emotionally. i let go of things more easily and i try my best to help others too (cause if i don't do who will, not a sky daddy for sure). so i am happier i take life for what it is and its  my responsibility.  

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