
Atheists: if the hypothetical anti-Christ walks among men then he is not an Atheist right?

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The Anti-Christ is most likely to be the Papacy. The Bible tells us the Anti-Christ will not only claim power and make blasphemous claims (which the Pope does) by declaring to be god on Earth but he will also put himself in place of Christ, i.e. the Vatican.

The Papacy is the only fitting definition and if not then the Anti-Christ can only be someone who pretends to be holy or Christ like in order to do his evil work undercover. Christians supposedly know this and yet still take out their vitriol on Atheists.

Atheists rest easy. Your self-declared Atheism absolves you from ever being called a demon again!

I don't believe all this of course but it is handy to baffle Christians with their own logic.




  1. well, i am atheist and I know I am not the antichrist :)

    But the Papacy, who called Cardinal Law back to Rome to avoid questioning in the Boston priest s*x scandals...  Yeah, that REAKS of anti-christ if there were such a thing...

    The whole concept of raping kids and covering it up is certainly NOT a god like spiritual concept!!!!

  2. I think it makes fine sense



    Same meaning....apart from the Christ is God bit, but that's a different question.

  3. The Anti-Christ could not, by definition, be atheist. That would make no sense whatsoever :P

  4. I understand that, you understand that but they never will.  Trying to reason with some of them is like trying to reason with a box of marbles.

  5. he Catholic Church has and is the greatest defender of the true Christian faith, of Life and of feeding the poor in the world.

    Know ye this there are many anti-christs in the world and it is anyone who denies Jesus Christ come in the Flesh!!!!!!!!! The Catholic Church is the ONLY church that fought of the Heretic ideas through out History.

    It stands alone in Truth and for this reason it is constantly under attack from Satan and his worldly minions.

    But as Jesus said when he instituted the Church Satan will never prevail to conquer it so he leads the whole world astray that refuses to receive Christ in the Holy Eucharist.

    All are under a curse that have left the one true Church of Christ and Satan is now the Head. That's why you are all lead blind by blind leaders who know nothing of God.

  6. Well not necessarily...I'm not familiar with the passage, but the anti-Christ is a term used in the Bible to denote that particular individual. That doesn't stop that individual from being an atheist. He could well deny the existence of God, and deny the Biblical claims that he is the anti-Christ.

    The papacy is more like the woman riding the beast. If you read Revelation 17, the metaphors there seem to suggest this more.

    So yeah...this "logic" needs to be better thought out lol

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