
Atheists in israel?

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its not any thing racist i have nothing against atheists but heres one thing i want to know.tell me something about themalot of religious people go to israel but theirs also atheists.tell me any fact about i find it interesting.any fact and please dont report my answer its more of like i want to know tell a fact.




  1. It was hard to understand your question. But if you mean to ask what percentage of Israeli Jews are atheists, then it would probably be around 20% maybe less.

    I thik the most recent statistics showed a little more than 80% of Jews be;lieve in God in some shape or form. About a third are practicing Jews regarding themselves as "religious" who accept the Torah as the literal word of God. Another third are traditional, and a another third consider themselves "secular" Although, many secular Jews would not consider themselves athiests and they do practice quite a few Jewish traditions, and believe in the generel ethics of the Torah (with secular interpretation). More than 90% hold Passover Seders, close to 80% fast on Yom Kippur,  97% observe ritual cercumcsion, and so on - the list is endless.

  2. there is no official statistics. i would say. about thirty percent are really religious, conforming all the Mitzvot, put Tefilin daily and praying regularly. some other twenty percent are visiting synagogue only Saturday or only once a year in YOm Kipur. others though do nothing of the religion services, if you ask them will tell you they believe that there is a god. about 20 percent, and this is a guess only, are completely atheists.

  3. Do u mean secular JEws? Yes, i agree with previous answers, they are majority, though there are some who just keep tradition a bit- not to eat pork, milk and meat together. I would say it's hard to distinguish between those who just keep tradition and those who are really religious. But on the whole Israel is a secular state, otherwise our women wouldn't

    dress the way they do.

  4. Many Jews in Israel are atheists but most are not.

    Most are not religious but even non religious Jews celebrate the holidays and have some connection to their religion.

    Many are just not religious but still observant(Holidays, Kosher etc') in different levels.

    Many are "spiritual" but don't connect the spirituality to their own religion.

    Some believe in God but not the religion.

    Some are agnostic.

    You really can't claim that most Jews are atheists, that is completely false, statistics show that most are observant.

    You could claim that most are secular, but that wouldn't be 100% true either since most secular Jews celebrate the holidays and some keep kosher to some level.

  5. most of the jews are atheists. i mean come on if they believed in god they wouldn't be doing what they r doing.

  6. The fact is that the vast majority of all Israeli Jews -- from religiously observant to  traditional and "secular" individuals-- believe in G-d.

    This 2006 poll is merely illustrative:,7340,...      If anything, the result of 71% underestimates the high percentage of believers in this country. (Note that the poll was sponsored by a secular media organization with an interest in downplaying the religious aspects of Israeli society.)  While you'd expect most religious and traditional people to believe in G-d, even this poll noted that almost half of the self-professed "secular" Israeli Jews also believe in G-d.

    Most Israeli Jews endeavor to observe certain traditions and follow some commandments even if they don't consider themselves to be fully observant. Further, the younger generations are growing in religious study and observance. The children of many "secular" families who were not educated in Jewish tradition in previous decades are expressing interest in learning Torah today.

    A recent international poll,7340,...       found that "39%  . . . between the ages of 18-29 view themselves as being 'extremely religious', while 47%  . . . have a 'religious outlook', and only 13% are not religious at all." That approximate 86% "religious outlook" is closer to the reality that I have encountered in personal experience.,7340,...

  7. I'm confused too.  Jewish is a religion.  Not a race or a country.  Israel is a country.  Hebrew is a race.

    You can be Israeli but how can you be religious if you are an atheist.

    How can anyone be an atheist Jew or Catholic or Baptist?

    An atheist Israeli or Hebrew I will buy, not an atheist Jew though.

    Many atheist come here and claim to be Jews and mostly Muslim, but I think God has them figured out.  Many Christians come here that know little of Christianity, but have good intentions.  These also know little or nothing about Jew-ism or Islam.

    Many different opinions come here, but that also includes haters and people spewing venom at everyone.

    Take everything you read here with a grain of salt.

  8. I know that ALL Israelis believe in God to some extent.

    Every community in Israel has enough synagogues to accommodate all these wanting to warship.

    But you probobly wan't this ??


    Total country population (2004)


    % Atheist/Agnostic/Nonbeliever in God

    15 - 37%

    Number of Atheists/Agnostics Nonbelievers in God

    (minimum - maximum)

    929,850 - 2,293,630

  9. Atheists make up between 90 to 100% of Israels Populaton

    The god of Israel is Darwin.

  10. While most Jewish people in Israel aren't religious, they're not atheists.

    Atheists are people who reject the existence of God.

    Most people in Israel believe in God, but follow a smaller set of commands than religious Jews. (Even within the group of religious Jews there are different levels of strictness).
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