
Atheists sure do talk about God alot for not believing in Him?

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care to elaborate?




  1. You all sure do talk about atheists a lot to not believe in us.

    Care to elaborate?  

  2. Seems to me a lot of atheists hate God more than not believe in Him.  

  3. Uhh.."you sure do talk about atheists a lot not to believe in us"....

    I think think she's a little wacked out..

    But, I totally agree with you..I'm not really sure what they are doing in this section anyway..unless they are looking for the Truth..ehh.

  4. Sort of liking talking endlessly about movies or TV, etc.

  5. We're in the Religion & Spirituality section, what do you want us to talk about, ice cream?

  6. Pacifists talk a lot about war, too.

  7. they do it because they think they're right and wanna prove everyone else wrong. they don't realize that we choose to believe what we wanna believe and we dont need them talking down on what we believe in 24/7 its like they wanna convince us they're right..

    i understand some of christians do try shoving religion down the throats of atheist and yes thats wrong but it doesnt make it right for them to do it back...

    i think ppl should just believe what they wanna believe and let others believe what they wanna believe and leave it at that without having to discuss it and argue with each other.

    one more thing. HONESTLY YOU PPL ARE RUDE! i'm shocked by how rude some of these answers are... anyways.. God Bless ;)

  8. The devil Believes in God. Should I say more. I better not or I might get a letter for being somettthinggg Im not. lol

  9. Christians sure do talk about Atheism a lot for supposedly believing in him?

    care to elaborate?

  10. i dont talk about god very much its just when you ask me to disprove it i have to talk about god  

  11. Which god? Actually we do talk about a lot of them. Just like the people who call other gods false except their own. Those people sure do talk about other gods a lot even though they don't believe in them.

  12. Yes, I do talk about God and gods a lot.  Religion and all of its dangerous implications have a profound effect on society.  It's not something one can ignore!  

    Being an atheist doesn't mean you don't have an interest discussing why OTHER people believe in god.  I'm actually fascinated by it!

  13. Uh, doesn't being in the religion category mean that EVERYONE here talks about God to some degree? Believing in him is irrelevant.

  14. they are probably referring to a higher power, not God in the way Christians believe, or whatever other religion believes in God (sorry, i'm not that much or a religious person)

  15. Its not just us atheists.

    Adam and Eve ate the apple of which they were told not to eat.

    And, just to make to make you happy. I am going to elaborate.

    How can we define what we do not believe in without stating it. And generally, it is not God we talk about, as that is purely a Christian/Jewish term. It is religion as a whole.

  16. When people who believe in the Tooth Fairy start voting, legislating, and trying to amend our constitution to better please her grand toothiness, you'll have something to say about her too.  

  17. Not only do they need to talk, they need to convert.  

    They tend to be vicious and unkind at times, and characterize Christians in a host of nasty ways.

    But their position is untenable.

    Remember, every Christian was an unbeliever once.  

    I met God, and I was a disillusioned pagan/atheist/agnostic.

    All my buddies were intellectual atheists, and the peer pressure to conform was just tremendous.

    How can an intellectual tell his friends he believes in God?

    When I told my friends, I was told I was crazy, they doubted my intellect, and others merely stopped speaking to me.

    It hurts to live by what you believe.

    A lot of atheists are just following the crowd.

    If I could get a clue, anyone could.  Don't give up on atheists.

    Lee Johnson, another former atheist, wrote a brilliant book called "The Case for Christ."  I challenge any atheist to read it and/or refute a single point.

  18. Just goes to prove how great and awesome God is.  Folk just cannot stop talking about Him.

    God Bless!

  19. Brilliant logic. You got me.

    Care to elaborate on why you're talking about atheism?

  20. Just like races, it would be nice if the different religions would leave each other alone on this site.  

  21. You keep telling us we're all going to h**l unless we convert to your magical world of fairytales and believe in your imaginary voyeur friend, so we prove to you conclusively that he doesn't exist.

    Then you get pissy and call us names, then we explan how creationism is factually wildly incorrect.

    Then you get even pissier and call us all "f*g-loving immoral inhuman beasts", then we laugh at your stupidity, and you run off to pray, while we spend our lives NOT judging people, and trying to conserve and study foreign cultures while you fly missionaries to these same cultures to try and abolish them.

  22. An atheist would have to not believe in God. So therefore he or she would have to mention at some point a belief that there is no God. It's like saying I don't like ice cream. Then why talk about it? Because I don't like it. I agree, pacifists talk about war, too.

    Now my question is... do you have to believe IN something to have a religion and be in this section? Or is it that since you choose not to believe IN something then you can't discuss and have no place in religion and spirituality? I thought Christianity was about recruiting members and sharing the word of God, discussing creation, but maybe it is about turning away those who could potentially be followers? Thoughts?

  23. My purpose here is to educate, for the benefit of my posterity in particular and the society in which they must live in general.  There can be no more profitable task than to teach people how to think, and the considerable advantages of doing so --which, if properly done, must inevitably lead to the conclusion that there is no reason to believe in any sort of god, and is is provably useless (as well as a detriment both to oneself and to society at large) to do so.  The progress of the race depends on rational thought, not on belief in phantoms.

    Postscript: with respect to Divina's response about "The Case for Christ" (previous page), she doesn't even have the author's name right: it is Lee Stroebel, and the book has enough holes to be able to drive a truck through it.

  24. I noticed that to.  What I always find amazing is how someone can be so concerned about something that they dont believe in.

    I think deep down they know there is a God they just dont want to play by his rules, so they try  hard to convince themselves and the world that there is no God.    ( But I know he is real)

  25. You believe therefore you can talk? Interesting. Do you believe in Santa? I'm assuming you have the ability to talk about him.

    I talk about the Greek gods a lot too (not on R&S but...). And yet, I'm not sacrificing cows to Zeus or anything like that. Funny how it works out that way.

    I know many atheists who don't give god a second thought. You are generalizing.

  26. Yes, true, but we who believe in God also talk a lot about things we don't believe in. That's the beauty of freedom of speech!! Its whatever will float your boat and makes you happy!

  27. The history of belief systems is fascinating. The concept of a God  is interesting.  However, we are much to advanced of a society to believe in fairy tales and the super natural.

  28. All atheists had a bad life during there bad times, so they want to blame God for making the wrong choices, yet these dumb idiots don't realize that was at for for there own mistakes. so the only thing we can do is hope they will ask God for forgiveness

  29. If they did not believe in God  or the Devil then why would they be on a spirituality/religion site????  They know there is a God and a Devil they are just to full of themself to admit it!!  I would not waste my time on a Athiest web site because I KNOW they are wrong.  So if they truely did not believe in any God then why would they be flooding this web site??  I pray for them. I can not help them but God can. That is right there is a God and He can help you!!!

  30. Why not atheism IS a religion?

  31. fundamentalists sure do talk about abortion alot for not believing in it.

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