
Atheists; what do you believe?

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An atheist once asked me, "If there is a God who loves me then why would he send me to h**l after I die?" The way I look at it is, there are two doors. One door says "God" on it and one that says "No God" on it. In the Christian mind, the door that says "God" on it signifies heaven because heaven is the dwelling place of God. While the door that says "No God" on it signifies h**l because h**l is the very absence of God. An individual is given the choice to choose between the two doors. So it is not that God sends an individual to heaven or h**l, it is the individual that chooses between the two doors. Now, I'm not trying to tell you that the Christian perspective is the right one and that your perspective is the wrong one. Because it is not my place to do that. I'm not trying to evangelize or preach. Because that's not what I do. I'm not trying to judge or criticize or condemn. Because that's not my job. I am just so full of the love and joy of Jesus Christ, that I have to share it. I know, you think I am crazy. I know that you probably think that everyone like me is insane. But that's okay, because the joy that I find in my, what you might call, "insanity" is so great, that I have to share it. The fullness and peace that I find in my "insanity" is amazing. And I was just wanted to ask you, objectively,

Is your life complete?

Are you truly happy in this life?

(And if you answer resentfully, then I know that you are not truly happy)




  1. I am a atheist and i am really happy about unlike christians nothing can hold me back from what i want to do or waste my time praying in to something that doesn't exist

  2. Can God stop you from being tormented for eternity?

    If not, then He is not omnipotent.

    If He can and chooses not to, then he is not omnibenevolent.

    Yes, I am very happy and my life is very complete (but I could use some espresso).

  3. My life isn't complete yet, but I have more than I deserve, people who love me, and someone to build a relationship with. Call me back when I'm completely done. ;)

    I'm not where I want to be yet, and am still working on my goals. But I am more often happy than not happy.

  4. Sorry I skipped most of that, it's just too long winded, anyways an atheist's belief depends on that individual, we are not bound to organized systems of common thought/belief, the only thing we all share in common is the lack of belief in any sort of deities..

  5. Your whole premise is incorrect. There are two doors, but one says "No god exists" and the other says "No god exists, but believe in him anyway. So your choice is either rationality or delusion.

    You will be much happier without delusion.

  6. I believe there is no God because there's no proof that he exist. I'm happy, if I'm not, it has NOTHING to do with my beliefs.

    P.S. If you say you're not hear to preach, then why are you?

  7. I believe in myself and the virtue of my family.  I don't have to believe in an invisible man in the sky to find happiness in life.

    I will ring your doorbell and run away!!!

  8. I am very very happy. I have my friends, my family, my health and the beauty of mother nature.

  9. Christian argument from happiness:

    (1)  Atheists are you truly happy in this life?

    (2)  If you answer resentfully, then I know that you are not truly happy

    (3)  Therefore god exists!

    Baddah Bing!

  10. I'm happy. Don't need imaginary friends for that (which makes me proud).

  11. I am not as happy in this life as my cat, but then that has nothing to do with God.

  12. We believe in reason, free inquiry, and evidence.

    I'm utterly unmoved by your admission of your delusional views about your jeebus, who doesn't exist, BTW. If you wish to claim that he does,YOU bear The Burden Of Proof for your claim.

    In 2,000 years, your side has FAILED to ever offer up any objective evidence for your claims, so they fail. Deal with that Truth.

    Oh, and my life is doing just fine, without delusional fictional sky pixies, or their deluded followers.

  13. Is my life complete? Well I have a beautiful wife and daughter and a decent job so I'd say yes.

    Am I happy? Sure, I get the weekends off.

  14. I am happy. I have a great life that I know others would do anything to have. Compared to some people living in Africa and on the streets my current life is heaven.

  15. they believe in terrorism, communism, totalitarianism, nihilism...that sort of thing.

  16. No one is 'truly happy' in this life all the time. Emotions are fleeting.

    I'm fine, thank you.

    I still cannot shake the belief that being 'full and complete' based on something there is no evidence for is a little weird.  

  17. Happiness is relative. I'm particularly happy now, I may not be so happy six months from now. But one thing's for sure: I am capable of being happy without a belief in God.

  18. No i'm not happy in life, but I know that no imaginary being is going to change that, only I can.

  19. Your little god delusion is precious - i won't stop you.  You go right ahead

  20. I'm very happy with this life.

    Why do you ignore the doors that say "polytheism", "Buddhism", "Islam", "Christianity, only a different sect". etc...

    By reducing the choice to two doors, you ignore reality.

    EDIT: I don't think you're crazy.  I just think you haven't really thought this over very well.

  21. what do i believe

    i beleive in many things, i believe that many things are possible and that there is more to this life than we know and understand

    no my lifes not complete and no im not truly happy in this life

    there are many things missing from my life, many things i coudl have and should have done and many of those things could make me happier

    i however am happy with what i have

    no resentment, just honesty

  22. I believe your two doors don't exist.  

    So, you're saying you're happy because you believe there is a god that makes you a happier person?  You're placing your happiness and well being on faith?  

    That doesn't sound like true happiness..  That sounds like delusion, not insanity.  You're insane if you speak to god... and he speaks back.

    I'm as happy as I can be.. sometimes I'm not happy at all and other times I'm ecstatic.  That's normal.  

  23. My life became happier when I left Christianity.

    Despite your claims, this is preaching.

  24. Why must I accept a lie to live happily?

  25. having a great time. thanks for asking.

    great wife, great kids,  a job I love, and a terrific house.  

    ooooh!!   I smell fresh homemade brownies being made!!!

  26. Well, at least you're sincere. I'll give you that much.

    However, according to your explanation, you can either choose God, or reject him. If you reject him, you go to h**l. But what if you follow the teachings of Jesus (morality, love, kindness, etc.), but not Jesus himself? Would you still go to h**l? Would you still get punished? If so, why would God punish you for being a good person?

    For the Christian perspective to be one worth consideration, you'd have to include a third door; one that falls between heaven and h**l. I don't understand why you'd have to give God all the attention he wants in order for you to go to heaven. That makes God sound like some attention-seeking, spoiled child. An atheist, from your view, can't go to heaven because they haven't accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. However, it wouldn't be right for them to go to h**l, because they would have lived good, moral lives. If they do, then God would punish them for not giving him all the attention he wants.

    This is why you should accept this "third door", one that allows non-believers to not suffer. If not, then you yourself seem to accept the suffering of people who don't believe in you and your God. As for your last question, as long as people believe what they believe to be true, then they truly are happy, even if it doesn't include God.

  27. I am truly happy in my life. Thank you for asking, I hope you are too.

  28. True happiness comes after one is touched by His Noodly Appendage.

    rAMEN and may you find the answers in life that lie inside the Meatballs.

    The Flying Spaghetti Monster asks his followers to answer this question:;...

  29. your coming to my door you naughty little girl.

  30. You may look at things any way you like.  Ask yourself who created these 2 doors?  Ask yourself why a loving god would create 2 doors instead of one.

    Thank you for not trying to evangelize or preach.

    Yes, my life is very complete.

    Yes, I am truly happy in this life.

    Are you?

  31. Why do you people always insinuate that something is missing from our lives?

    I'm "truly happy", but thanks for your condescending attitude.

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