
Atheists? what would it take for you to convert?

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ive always wondered to myself... what it would take for you to believe in god? id prefer your answer to be something besides "proof"




  1. to what?

    being a believer or being a follower of a specific religion?

    believer, sorry friend evidence is the key, the missing element, and thats one thing that it would take


    the theory of how a god existing woudl be possible

    and the sociological ideal of this god to be made into the realistic idea not the fantasy

    so if it was said a god that is not all loving, all good all powerful,that has no effect on our lives and if it did create us it was with no real intent and maybe not even aware it had

    then, id be agnostic

    whether you like the answer or not, i cant do much about, its my answer and its the truth

    to follow any specific religion?

    torture and threat of torture and death

  2. Im now atheist...I know theres a god but as Moldenke says...


    I have alot to ask

  3. Objective evidence.

  4. Senile decay.

  5. Legitimate and likely death has worked so well in the past for you people.

  6. What would it take for you to convert to Tooth Fairy worship? Whatever it was, it wouldn't be enough to make me convert to religion.

  7. A really big giant bearded face, breaking through the clouds to look down at me and say "Believe you idiot! Believe!"

  8. Actual, verifiable, tangible proof.

  9. Convert to what?If the biblical version of god turned out to be correct,right in front of my face,I would of course believe,but not convert.The Christian version of god is morally repugnant,it's standards of "good" and "evil" are vastly inferior to mine.I suppose I would go to h**l.But then,according to Christianity,that's where the DECENT people go.

  10. i would not consider believing in those fairy tales for less than $5000000.00 and a lifetime supply of booze and smokes.then i would be so drunk i wouldn't know what i believe in.

  11. even when i was younger i was always questioning "god's" existence, and i couldn't find myself to believe in something i couldn't see, and i would never convert. i chose not to believe because i felt like i wasn't being true to myself...sounds stupid but it's how i felt.

  12. I'm an agnostic but would love to be a theist. I just find is so hard to believe in God. I find it hard to feel it in my heart and soul which is where belief should come from. I just don't feel anything no matter how hard i try. I believe that there must be something out there but when i think about the concept of God etc. it just doesn't register as being true and real in my mind no matter how hard i try, and the truth is i really would love to believe in God. I wish i did know what would take me to believe in me because i would love to find it. I guess i need to feel God, feel his presence, connect with him from my soul.

  13. If your god did good to people, gave them knowledge, or made them better than they were before they reached him, then I would definitely join. But I won't join a Religion (A.K.A LIE), just because your brainwashed.  

  14. Evidence of the existence of a god, of course.  

  15. God HAS revealed Himself in many ways.  Creation itself is evidence enough to believe in God...  As a matter of fact, God says that because God is revealed to men through creation that they are "without excuse"...

    Not everyone that met the Lord Jesus Christ when He came to Earth became His follower.  It's the same today...  If He were to come to Earth again and preach and do miracles there would still be as many unbelievers as there are now...

  16. I'm sorry BUT it can only ever been about some form of 'proof'.

    The proof I require is that good things ONLY happen to good people and bad things ONLY happen to bad people.

    Currently, with the way that S**t just happens so haphazardly, to anyone, for no apparent reason, it looks as if there is no 'god', huh?

    *tongue firmly in cheek*


  17. What is wrong with wanting proof?

    If you said that sentence in a court of law you would be laughed out onto the street.

    If bold claims are being made - claims which in this case effect everyone then to ask for proof is not such a bad thing.  

  18. You could try putting a gun to my head; I'd tell you that I believe in little-g god, or capital G God--whatever you wanted to hear.  And that would be as close as could get to converting me.  But for the rest of your question, what it would take for me really to believe, not just say that I believe in god (or God):  You'd have to unmake the universe I know about, and re-make it with a God (or god) in it.  Even if you did that, however, I still wouldn't want to believe it, and I sincerely doubt that I could believe it.  Even if Jehovah appeared floating on a cloud in front of me, all I can imagine saying is, "You're ridiculous!"

  19. If I saw and met god and he proved to me he was god. But that would only make me believe in him, not convert. For that I'd need to ask him why he is so angry. Just because he has proved to me he is real doesn't mean I would convert he'd have to show me he is not a bitter mean ol' person too. Who spends his day sending people to h**l for not believing in something that has lack of evidence. Also just plain evidence and proof god is not evil could possible do it also. (I'm talking about the christian god here btw cause that's what I think your referring to. Sorry if it's not)

  20. And why is proof such a bad thing? I'm not going to believe that peanuts blow up buildings without proof.

    So, proof. Don't like the answer? It's an open forum, and you asked for an honest answer, and you got it.

  21. Considerable evidence beyond a warm fuzzy feeling and personal experience, or in lieu of that, a lobotomy.

  22. Well without proof or evidence you will never convert me.

  23. If your god wants me to believe in him, all he has to do is show himself to me.

  24. Ok. I won't say 'proof' . If God came down, took me to the creation of the universe, then sort of showed me how the big mysteries went down and explained the whole heavy rock thing and the starving child thing and maybe did a few impressive miracles for good measure, I'd believe. You could probably fake the experience with a really excellent magician, some lsd and a stage hypnotist.

  25. Why do you care so much?  Seriously, y'all need to worry more about yourselves than about beliefs that others choose to either share or not.  If I choose not to believe then I have my reasons, don't I?  If I choose to believe, again, I would have a reason to do so.  I can't tell you until it happens, but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you...

  26. you cant really expect no one to answer with "proof", thats usually why people don't believe in a supreme being.

  27. I am a simple man with simple needs.  All I ask of god is that he smite all of my enemies.  Once my last enemy has been smitten, I am sure to convert.

  28. Proof or conclusive evidence.  Otherwise, there is absolutely no reason at all to believe.

    "with proof everyone would convert and there would be no point at all. that is why."

    That's not true... there are still people who don't accept evolution.  :)  

    Hasn't it ever occurred to you that your religion only survived because it had these built in defense mechanisms?  

    "with proof everyone would convert and there would be no point at all."

    It is somehow a virtue to simply accept what you are told in the face of all the evidence to the contrary.  

    Whenever anyone says something like, "You have to trust me and ignore anyone else who might contradict what I'm saying," they are either a scam artist or a priest.  

    What if I could give you evidence that the idea of God was invented?  Would you convert?  

  29. Nothing. Even if you gave me proof, I'd still stand by as a human being. I wouldn't submit to someone who has everything.

  30. If God came down and introduced himself to me. And performed a miracle or two so I was sure it was really him. Then I would believe he existed.

  31. Evidence.

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