
Atheists:what if christains are correct after all?

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what if,by some miracle,us christians have been proven correct?that there is a God after all and that all the phrophecies of the bible is correct?

will you most likely be humiliatad or not?

i have nothing against religions...just asking...




  1. I'd be more than merely humiliated. I'd be damned.

    But I feel pretty safe on that score. West Ham has a better chance of winning the Champion's League that Christians have of being right.  

  2. im not a atheists

    but if you know alot about the bible can you answer my qustion


  3. Why should I be humiliated because I didn't believe that of which there wasn't sufficient evidence?

  4. What if Hindus are correct, what if Islam is correct what if Buddhism is correct. There are so many religions any one of them can be the correct one.

  5. If the christians are correct after all and it is the same god that is described in the bible, I guess I would resign myself to fate, at least I would not be with the company of the worlds biggest murderer.

  6. yeah.. i will feel pretty stupid, but the burden of proof is on christians not atheists,

    they have to prove god first, they cant... because he isnt real.

  7. Well if they are correct I still feel I would be in good shape as I don't commit crimes and I'm a good citizen. If god wants to send me to h**l because I didn't worship him then I'm cool with that. Just because I don't believe in god doesn't mean I'm not a moral minded person.

  8. You are a closed minded individual. I do not believe in Christ. I'm a Deist who believes the consciousness of the universe is God. By your very question, you also have to include other person's beliefs and religions.

  9. Who are you trying to convince ,us or yourself?Nothing  is going to reverse the brainwashing you have been subjected to unless you are prepared to accept its you that that is in denial.  

  10. What if pigs fly?  What if the sky is really flat and the center of the earth and humans just have perspective problems?

    What if you stopped questioning atheists with "what if" questions on Y!A and spent some time critically thinking for yourself?

    Even if christians were correct, it wouldn't change a thing for me.  Because regardless of whether they are correct or not, christianity still disgusts me and its teachings and beliefs are preposterous and an afront to my intelligence.  But I'm not atheist, I'm heathen, so go figure.

  11. They will run for the mountains & pray that the rocks will fall on them to hide them from the face of God, Now I know you atheists will say what if their is no mountains, then you will take cover in whatever way you can & do as the other atheists will do.

  12. Humiliated, no.  I would have gone with the best information and the most careful examination of it I could muster.  What else can a person do?

    And been wrong, by your hypothetical.

    That's going to be very, very painful, as I read the bible.

    I get points for honesty and get sent straight to the lake of fire.

    But as an ex-Christian I hardly became an atheist lightly.

    And Pascal's wager doesn't work, because even Paul agrees that to have believed in Christ wrongly (the reverse hypothetical, if you like) is the most pitiable thing on earth. (I Cor 15:19)

  13. Getting this group to admit anything logical is WAAAAAAAAAAY out of their league. LOL

    I would LOVE to see the look on their faces!  

  14. What if Muslims are right?

    What if Hindus are right?

    What if Buddhists are right?

    Shortsighted, you are.  Hypocritical is this question.

    Arrogance is the path to the dark side.

  15. I'm ready to believe whenever god is ready to actually show himself. I wouldn't be humiliated, because as of now, I see no reason to believe.

    Would you be humiliated if the Great juju of the mountain was correct?

  16. the question should be....Christains:what if the atheists are correct after all? for know..i have no worries bc by the time they may find evdince, ill be in my grave and if they ever do, ill prob be turning in my grave

  17. humiliated




    (for all of us, not just atheists or myself, as the christian god, is not a very sane one)

  18. The thought that millions of people who just happen to not be born into a household which believes in the Christian religion (even though they lived a considerate, generous and good life) are burning in h**l, for me, is same as being in h**l itself.

    A translation of the question asker's additional details:

    "sa totoo lang,kakatawa kayo...pwede ko kayong mura murahin dito,di nyo naman ako maiintindihan..."

    The question asker here stated that he wants to curse us or use foul language because we don't understand the language he is writing in.

    This is of course, ironic, as Jesus does not like potty mouths.

    Note: The question asker wrote in Filipino, the language of the only "Christian" nation in asia.

    And I am an atheist from the same country.

  19. Then i'll be very surprised, just like i will be if i find out there are fairies at the bottom of the garden or that unicorns exist. Obviously. I don't get you, we'd obviously be surprised and a bit pissed off (about spending eternity burning in h**l and all) but that doesn't mean we'll convert just because of the minute chance that you're right (about as likely as there being a small invisible martian dancing on my head at this precise moment).

  20. First off, then I would immeadiately turn into a christian. As much as you christians believe us atheists to be stubborn, if you gave me evidence and proof of god, I would believe you. But how would you prove it? its impossible... and who sais YOUR religion would be proven sane? what if islam is proven to be true... feel sorta stupid, wouldnt we...

  21. Would I feel humiliated?  No.

    I would feel the same way I've felt anytime I've ever been wrong about something.  I would admit my error and make adjustments accordingly.

  22. What if lamp genie believers are correct and you are missing out on your three wishes? Maybe you need to start rubbing lamps immediately. You never know when one might contain a genie.

    Given all the potential absurdities that one could believe in why should I choose to believe in yours?

  23. too bad for these believers, I'm bad going to have all the fun in h**l with my fellow atheists while they praise and huzzah to their god for all eternity.

  24. Listen, no religious system was able to produce a god.


    God is not real and as such, i do not take it as given, to turn my life around it

  25. What if Muslims are right or Hindus. Please stop with the Pascals wager already.

  26. impossible.

    Fiction is fiction, not reality.  Wishing will not make the moon turn into cheese any more than it will make your zombie god become real.

  27. Christians:what if atheists are correct after all?

    what if,by no miracle,us atheists have been proven correct?that there is no God after all and that all the phrophecies of the bible are incorrect?

    will you most likely be humiliatad or not?

    i have a lot against religions...just asking...

  28. No.   That god should be humiliated for never showing itself.

  29. The Bible always correct b/se all written by God.

  30. The probability of the Christian God existing is 0.

    EDIT: NO I can't...

    I can't imagine that a homophobic God exists...

    saying that I'm detestable or abomination or whatever.

  31. I'll worry about that hypothetical if it happens. Until then, I will continue to remind people that there is absolutely NO credible, verifiable, tangible evidence that would support the existence of ANY god.

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