
Athesit , Why can't you worship the Trinity ?

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Gotta clean the toilet , I think I ate too many tacos .




  1. troll

    thanks for the points

  2. because we don't believe in a god.

  3. Why worship something that doesn't exist?

    We will leave that to the religious. It's pointless and sometimes counter-productive.

  4. Quite simply, because it's myth.

    Belief in the Trinity isn't even shared by all Christians, such as Unitarians and, I understand, Jehovah's Witnesses. And there is no belief in the Trinity in related religions such as Judaism and Islam.

    So if the Trinity isn't believed by all people who believe in the Abrahamic God, it seems a cinch that people who don't believe in God at all won't believe in the Trinity.


    I just realised the real meaning of your question, having only now read the subtext of it. Anonopokes seems to have understood bettter than I did.

  5. Do carry on showing how nasty and unchristian, christians have become!!

    You recruit more people to atheism with every post!!

  6. What is an ATHESIT?

  7. when they worship ONE god first they may consider worshiping 3. but starting off with 3 gods at once? that's a little too much to ask don't you think?  

  8. Worst. Clone. Ever.

  9. The answer will reveal itself in your diarrhea.

  10. Be a  good little clone and learn to spell check

  11. No, none here either.

  12. You're funnier than the "real" Fireball...

  13. Is that part of worshiping the Trinity cleaning toilets. I think I will give it a miss and take up bomb making.

  14. Because it makes little to no sense. Plus the idea of an old man looking down on us all is kind of creepy.

  15. Cause they don't want to? Why can you worship them?

  16. Boy, I just can't make up my mind if you're:  (a) really that dumb; (b) mentally retarded; (c) totally sick; (d) the biggest troll in the history of R&S  

  17. If so powerful you are, why leave?

  18. 1. No proof

    2. Waste of time

    3. Followers are crazy

    The three basic reasons for me not to believe.

  19. In order for us to worship anything, two conditions must be met.

    The first is the solid, objective evidence that it exists, and the second is, evidence that it is worthy of our worship.

    I think that you will find the first, impossible to supply, and the second, even harder.

  20. Athesit? Is that a ancient Greek Goddess?


  21. **** shower and shave? i do that but i dont worship my toilet razor and shower  

  22. I love duplicates.

    thanks for entertainment.

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