
Athiest, Theists, Etc.??

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Spiritually Speaking:

As everyone in the USA knows, on the back of our money is the phrase "In God We Trust"

I think it is unconstitutional. So, Penn [of Penn & Teller] had a great idea that I've adopted. Whenever you get paper money, take a pen or marker and cross out the word "God".

And it's not illegal, so there is no worries on that part

Who thinks this is a good idea?

I mean it won't make a huge difference since there is SO much money, but the little things help...




  1. Dude, you know that P.C liberals are just as bad as right wing conservatives.  

  2. I like the thought, but the activity would be a waste of time.

  3. Technically, it is illegal, just not enforced. ;)

    I've already considered this idea. If I stop being too lazy to open my wallet, I probably will do it.  

  4. God on money bugs me too buddy, I support your question. Symbolically if crossing the word out makes you feel better, I don't see what writing on some bills is going to hurt. Who's gonna track you down? Don't think it will help much either, though.

  5. I Hope People Have Better Things To Do Than Mark On Money.

  6. What you are suggesting IS illegal under USC 5.

    $5,000 fine and up to ten years

    Plus and violation of instigating to riot and conspiracy to deface currency.

    Are you mad? That's three felonies already!

  7. I've been doing that for years. Can I sue them for stealing my idea?

  8. Not 100% on this, but I think it is illegal "defacing US currency" or something.

  9. Defacing money is illegal.


  11. I COMPLETELY agree. I hate that we have God in our pledge, on our money, and in our national motto. But I don't know that I'll go around crossing the guy off my money. There is a certain degree of laziness involved here.

  12. Interesting, but I think it would be more efficient to join one of the legal battles on that front.

  13. It's not unconstitutional at all but those of you who have never bothered to learn history including Penn Gillette would have no way of knowing that.  Technically defacing money is illegal but if Penn Gillette is your source for all knowledge then you should listen to him.

  14. Old news, chap, been doing it for years.  In fact, I carry a special Sharpie on me at all times just for such an ocassion.   BTW, used to have an atheist stamp for that purpose also but they've discontinued it - I guess that, after all, atheists are  cheap or apathetic - or both  

  15. I'm lucky, my money just has a picture of elizabeth fry, charles darwin, edward elgar, adam smith, isaac newton and queen elizabeth the second, and the signature of andrew bailey chief cashier of the bank of england.

    no god involved.

  16. I'll do it.

    *pulls out pen and piggy bank*

  17. Help what?

    Now we see the brilliant ways that atheists hope to improve our country.

    Thank you for letting me know to not bother with Penn and Teller.

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