Hi im a 14 year old guy, and im training for boxing at a gym. and As a boxer I work out in multiple different areas such as stamina, strength, endurance, speed, and flexibility. I believe i have overtrained the last 2 weeks. I realized the bad side of overtraining and the fatigue so i slowed down slightlty, but fatigue was still lingering, so this week i rested for a full 7 days, this being the 7th day. Now i am about to begin going to the gym agAIN, however when i think about going to the gym, I feel tired exactly at 5 PM, when i usually go to the gym. Im pumped up at all other times of the day. And also, whenever I want to go running, the second i step on the track i feel like **** and feel like going home. I believe its all mental but i cant help it. how can i prevent getting sudden energy drops during the day (because i want to have maximum energy at the gym so i can work out fully) Thank u in advance.