
Athletic tape to toe?

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Im starting brazilian jiu jitsu soon and as an alternative to getting my nail ripped up which could delay that pursuit, is there a way to cover my toe toe with athletic tape during practice to prevent trauma to it?




  1. it would be better to wear wrestling shoes

  2. Yes, tape helps big time. You have to get the right tape though. I made the mistake of getting the wrong tape and it falls off easy. Get the tape made for taping toes and fingers. It will be your best friend!

  3. So your toe is ok now right? If it is then you won't need tape. Your toes will get jacked up at first, but over time they adapt to it. I've been doing mostly Gi BJJ for about 3.5 years now, and I've never had a toenail get ripped off. I have had a few minor rugburn type injuries around my toes. I would say, unless you have an injury already then don't worry about tape.

  4. Well heres the thing theres trauma now its going to get worst.  My advice deal with it cause your going to get hurt a lot worst than a toe nail.  Get some wrestling shoes or be a man and deal with it.

  5. A toe nail getting ripped or bent back can hurt-I know from personal experience.  They say you should tape it back down but not too firmly so that it does not cut off the circulation since the nail bed needs that to heal.  You should first put a piece from the top going over the front of it and then under to the bottom.  Then take a piece about a half inch wide and several inches long and start from the back of your toe and spiral it around your toe going towards the tip of it overlapping the spirals; (start from closest to your heart and go outward).  This will help keep good circulation as long as it is not to tight.  Making sure your nails are trimmed to the proper length before working out can help you to avoid some of this and most schools have rules regarding the length of your nails so that you don't cut or scratch others as well as to avoid little, nasty injuries like what you might already have.  It still happens sometimes but it will be a whole lot less if your nails are trimmed like they should be.
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