Question:'s baseball program?

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Can anyone find a table of contents for the Swing Faster book on




  1. Here is the table of contents from the baseball program:

    Table of Contents

    Introduction by the Author - Dr. Larry Van Such

    Chapter 1  

    What is Isometric Training  

    Muscular Contraction and the different fiber types.  

    The Resistance Band

    The Baseball Swing

    Chapter 2

    How to get the most from this program  

    Lateral Rotators of the Hips

    Speed Training Program #1

    Chapter 3  

    Lateral Rotators of the Spine

    Speed Training Exercise #2

    Chapter 4  

    Primary Movers of the Forearms

    Speed Training Exercise #3

    Chapter 5

    Extensors of the Arms

    Speed Training Exercise #4 and #5

    Chapter 6

    Primary Movers of the Wrists

    Speed Training Exercise #6 and #7

    Chapter 7

    Pitch or Throw Faster

    Speed Training Exercise #8

    Chapter 8

    Additional Setups

    Additional Training


    Progress Chart

    Daily Training Exercise Checklist

  2. Plyometrics will workout your entire body while making you more explosive in the process. You will hit the ball with greater velocity and be able to throw the ball better. Also do not waste your time with these scam websites, you are just another pay day to them. Instead pick up a wood bat and start learning how to hit the ball on the sweet spot without breaking it.

    I have created a website service that is adding information daily about baseball and techniques and best practices. I suggest you take a look at it and feel free to email me with any questions at This is a professional service that I provide for the public so that we can educate kids just like you who are trying to pursure their dreams.

    Good luck and hope to hear from you.

    - The Professor

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