
Atmosphere in florence, italy

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im going to italy for school in a month....any advice on the city...people...etc?





  1. I live in pistoia , near florence...  people is great.. florence it's a  multiracial city there are not only italian, but chinese,english,freanch people too.. I advise you to visit the inner city which is amazing.. or visist the uffizi,the art gallery ... well what can i say... if you have some questions send me an email ...

  2. I have never been fortunate enough as yet to travel to Italy, though I have lived in three countries in my lifetime. I have a friend in Finland that travels often and he has said many things positive about Italy. I have only seen the country in documentaries and such, and it really does look such a glorious place, full of atmosphere and history. What an opportunity you have. Live the experience to the full. I have met quite a few Italians. You'll love the people, I'm sure, and the food is fantastic. I wish I were going with you.

  3. I love ur avatar

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