
Atomic model explaining why electrons orbit at distcrete distances from the nucleus involves?

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a. electron wavelength

b. electron acting like planets orbiting the sun

c. quantized enregy levels

d. springs connecting electrons to the nucleus




  1. c) is the best answer.  But (b) is actually correct as well.

    The postulates of the Bohr model are:

    Electrons are held in circular orbits like planets around the sun except the force is electrostatic, not gravitational.

    They don't radiate as they would classically because their angular momentum is quantized--it only comes in discrete chunks.

    The quantization of angular momentum implies that energy is quantized as well and that the electrons can only orbit at discrete distances.

    You could even try to make an argument for (a)--that the quantization of angular momentum is the result of the electron deBroglie waves needing to be in a circular standing wave.  But I don't think Bohr made this argument.

  2. c. quantized energy levels.

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