
Attached is something that explains how we are heading toward Martial Law. It is a brilliant and scary piece.?

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If you hate reading scary and painfully believable, historically backed speculation read no further. But, if like me, you want to venture on the "what might happen" side, check it out.




  1. It's nonsense.  Much BS mixed with a tiny bit of fact to try and make the BS taste better.  Re-read the article and check out some of the "facts" for yourself like the $2 billion missing dollars and Kissinger popping up all over the article (very anti-semite without being overtly anti-semite)....then read the "Disclaimer" at the bottom of the site where it states it makes no representations as to the truth or accuracy of what it posts.  If the author of something is saying "hey don't blame me if what I write is BS", it's BS.

  2. things get even scarier when you can read all of the directives on the white house website with your own eyes.

  3. That article is prolix but essentially believable.  I would rather think Bush would stage another "terror attack" like he did on 9-11 and declare martial law on that basis.  Repudiation of debt could follow.

    Couldn't happen here?

    Why not?  It has happened in every nation on earth at least once.

    read some history.

  4. Sorry but that will not happen.  Even with all the scare tactics out there.

  5. Here's the problem with this article. It assumes that economic policy is developed and dictated by the President. That buys into the idea of the President as a Federal Wizard King. We are not a directed economy like that which existed in the Soviet Union. We are a demand economy. Each time that the Congress tries to interfere with that reality, the economy suffers.

    The author also omits any reference to the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. The President cannot order Federal troops into an area to even deliver food without a written request in advance from a State Governor that some situation is beyond the capabilities of local forces to deal with. And, certainly, no subordinate in the Executive Branch (including the military) could order Federal troops out to assist local forces absent such a written request to the President and approval by the President. In July of 1976 the Commanding General of Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base sent his military police into Oceanside to assist local police in dealing with a near-riot at a recreation pier. He was relieved of his command and forced into retirement.

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