
Attack on bus in canada?

by Guest61067  |  earlier

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DO you wonder, since over 30 people were on this bus that they could have banded together to stop the beheading of the victim? The man had a knife and could have been subdued, right? Or is it just the shock and horror and disbelief of people witnessing this that stopped them from subduing him? WHat would you have done in a situation such as this?




  1. No offence, but I think you have watched too much movies, not everyone is James Bond or Jet Li.

  2. It depends. I guess u had to been there. I think the fact that all 30 did nothing means they couldnt.

    How sick was that guy.

    Check out the front page story of this guy. The police when he arrested that sicko he had the guys ear, nose and part of lips in a plastic bag in his pocket. How sick is that? The police also said when they arrived they seen him eating parts of the body.

  3. I wouldn't say that Canadians are cowards.  None of us know for sure how we would react in any given situation.  We like to think we know what we would do but until something happens then we'd find out exactly how we would react. It was 1:30 am and  most if not all of the passengers were asleep including the victim. The young man was stabbed over 50 times and more than likely, hopefully,  the first couple of blows killed him. The murderer cut himself with the knife as I saw a video of him after being  taken into custody and his hand was all bandaged.  

    Self preservation is a natural instinct and under the curcumstances I'm sure most people would run and think later.  At least they kept the maniac on the bus until the police arrived.

    The bus driver was responsible for the safety of all of the passengers so getting them off the bus was his first priority.

    It's all well and good  now to sit back and say coulda, woulda, shoulda.

  4. Canadians are cowards.

    I woudl have kicked his @ss but of course Im also an experienced knife fighting martial artist.

    Most people would just run.

  5. On 9/11,  I didn't hear of any regular people(people who aren't police, firefighters or paramedics) who ran into the twin towers to rescue the people trapped in there.  I guess they were cowards too.

  6. Yeah you'd think someone would have stood up and grabbed the guy from behind, but we weren't there, maybe he threatened him, but even so, you'd think the bus driver would do something.

  7. Most people are unwilling to charge someone with a knife due to the potential stabbage factor.  

  8. you would never know what you would do in that situation. lots of those people didn't know what was going on when they  evacuated the bus there were children on that bus its easy to look back and say wut you would have done but those people were scared and who says this vince guy wasn't ready to attack all the other people on the bus and you cant call Canadians cowards you would have done the same thing.  

  9. I think they done the right thing in fact, they were not trained to deal with an armed person. The police if you notice took four hours to find a chance to get on the bus and take the man into custody. with body armor on. What do you think the man would have done if someone tried to do something against him if he was threatening to kill the cops for four hours if they came near him.  

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