
Attacking Palin's kids - will it get Palin sympathy votes?

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I think it will. Thanks, liberals. Keep it up.




  1. Hardcore conservatives who were not going to vote for McCain will probably rally behind the McCain/Palin ticket because of this.  

  2. First of all, Obama explicitly made a statement during which he said that under no circumstances does he approve of slandering the family of candidates. He even mentioned the fact that his own mother gave birth to him at the age of 18.

    But to answer your question...

    I think that it most definitely will not. The McCain campaign hoped to gain the votes of former Clinton supporters by choosing Palin. However, an extremely small amount of those voters will switch to Palin mainly because of social issues. Thus, the only group of voters she is really bringing on board with McCain is the large base of extremely conservative, evangelical Christians. I think if anything, the pregnancy will dissuade them from voting for McCain.

  3. Nobody's attacking her kids.

    People are attacking McCain's judgment for selecting a candidate who may clearly be a liability for his campaign, when there were much better candidates (Romney).

  4. I doubt it.

  5. You are another liar.

    Please cite these "liberals" attacking her kids...we'll wait.

    (chuckle, snort)

    edit: still waiting....

  6. Nah....all the attacks on Obama's children will be worse on you guys.....they are younger and cuter.

    How odd that no one seems to remember that just last week Obama's very young children were subjected to all sorts of name calling and criticism by the right. Where was your outrage then??

    Again, this is NOT about Bristol Palin or her child. This is about Sarah Palin and her radical views on women's issues.

  7. McCain/Eagleton 08...Thomas Eagleton that is!

    I give them two weeks!

  8. She started it. What's good for th goose is good for the gander.

  9. Pretty much. It just makes her seem a lot more real. Her family isn't some perfect republican family like so many feel is portrayed. She has real issues in her family that make her more relatable to the average american.

  10. I think it will, too. Obama and Biden can take the high, noble course because they know they have plenty of slimeball surrogates who will do the dirty work for them. After all is said and done, I think it will backfire. Palin has an almost infinitely greater chance of being our first woman President than Hillary Clinton. And she didn't get to where she is because of her hubby. Ooooh, that's gotta hurt. Hence the raking over the coals.

  11. I think it will from some and not for others.

    This new development raises many issues about her policies and what she practices so I don't imagine we've heard the last of it quite yet.

    On one hand she is saying no s*x education in school and practice abstinence and then this happens.  The credibility is a little lost here don't you think?

    Frankly I think this all sidetracks all the important issues and what this election should be about.

  12. I never heard Obama attacking her kids.  In fact, I heard the opposite from him.  As far as the rest of us proud liberals, we are simply pointing out the hypocrisy that is the right wing christian conservative platform.  Palin should not be criticized because her daughter got pregnant, but because her politics suck.

  13. YES, liberals need to be careful because it will backfire on them.

  14. I don't attack Palin's daughter. I would attack Sarah Palin's Career as a mother... she IS marketed as a 'soccer mom'.

    Is the pregnancy a failure on sarah's part? maybe. maybe not. but it is still a HUGE question that voters will answer.

  15. you bet'cha.

  16. Obama's camp isn't attacking anything. Some of his supporters may be....but so what? You all are attacking Obama on the fact that he's black and has a middle name. What's worse?

  17. With all that's going on in the world and what's at stake anyone who would base their vote on a teen pregnancy is stupid. And who is doing the attacking?

  18. It can only hurt the democrats.

    Maybe they'll go after her goldfish next.

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