
Attempted rape or not..?

by  |  earlier

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i was at my bf's earlier and he asked me if id have s*x then, i said no he put his hand on my leg and was asking why not, give him answer "i aint ready & i wanna wait" i thought nothing of him putting his hand on my leg he usualy does it. i was gonna go home & he got to his bedroom door b4 me & said "ur not goin home.." i wanted to go home cause he was been too "touchy". he pinned me against the wall & give me a massive horrible hicky. i tried to push him off but he wouldnt. i told him to back off or id shout *his mom was downstairs* u think he would have tried to rape me if i didnt tell him to back off or id shout?




  1. Sweetie, it wasn't attempted rape but borderline assault if you was to press the issue. But i stress you get away from a guy like that who can't respect you or your wishes. He could end up doing it. He seems the type waiting to happen! DUMP THE DUDE FAST!!

  2. He was trying to convince you, boys do that on the theory that no sometimes means yes. He did violate your freedom to say no, but if you allowed some liberty, then you set yourself up for this.I don't see it as attempted rape, it was a boy playing with a girl, and that is life.

  3. could be...but he mere fact that you allow him to touch you  gives him a signal that it is OK. Trying it out is his means of finding out to what extent would you let him!

  4. the fact that he dumped u and said that , just proves what was on his mind .

    forget him and find another guy who RESPECTs u wether u have s*x with him or not

  5. yes you were almost a victim of rape.

    Most rapes are committed by someone you know

    Next not allow a guy to put his hand on your leg or your breast.  Do not in anyway construe that to mean that I think this was in any way your fault. It wasn't.

  6. you know what I never did that to my so many girl friends i had ever think is time to look for some one that will respect you. think he might not trust you too which is why he give you the hickey so other see it. let that loser go  

  7. YES.  Next time he will.  Make sure there is no next time.  End this relationship or you could be really hurt, physically and mentally.

    Guys like this don't change.  

  8. Yes, I do believe he would have tried to rape you.. NO Is NO...He had you pinned and you couldn't get away. Thank God his mother was downstairs.Beware, If he tried it once and tried it again and next time you may not be so lucky...   take care.

  9. maybe, a guy should never have s*x with a girl without consent otherwise it is rape

  10. absolute wanker, needs to be locked up with the attitude hes got

  11. what.. an...***..

    yeah... could be attempted rape..

    you asked him to stop

    and he din..

    he prolly though you'd be too scared and let him have his way

    but you stood your ground

    am proud of you .. tat took guts

    how long have you been with him??

    and break it off now! happened once will happen again..

    and he seems insanely violent..

    you don't deserve that!

    ( and god!!! his mom was home?! wat is he! sick?!! )

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