I was in some cabin, out in the woods. I accidently shot my mom and feeling very guilty, I tried to kill myself. When I pulled the trigger, I blacked out but then woke up, still standing where I was. I pulled the trigger again, nothing happened, just felt like someone flicked me on the side of the head. I decided to go to the emergency room while I still had a chance to live.
I had to go through the woods to get there, and some lumberjack type guy was mad at me, don't know why but he was chasing me. Eventually he gave up. When I got to the emergency room, it was also cabin-themed. I saw a mirror, and in it I realized my brain was exposed and it was blue. I was in the waiting room for what it seemed like hours. Some lady came up and told me I would have to make an appointment. Then it ended. What does attempted suicide mean in a dream?