
Atten: Barrel Racers!?

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I Am Doing Barrel Racing And The Horse That I Am Using Doesnt Go Around The Barrel Like I Want. I Keep Shanking His Mouth And He Doesnt Care What So Ever,, Also When I Come To My First Barrel He Gets So Close That When I Come Around It Heading For My Second Barrel Its Been Knocked Over!! I NEED HELPPP




  1. It is most likely that your balance is of you need to go back to BASIC to in-prove your seat.don't lean in so much and spend time just on one at a time until you don't Noak it over then move on to the next one.

  2. i have been barrel racing for 7 years.

    and my horse did the same thing.

    how i fixed my problem

    was taking her wide as we aproached the barrel

    so she can come in close enough

    without knocking it over and being to wide.

    its hard to explain

    but u have to not turn her until ur

    body is lined up with the barrel.

    this is a common problem with larger horses

  3. start over.. don't start asking them to run that pattern at a gallop cause they don't know what you want. you have to teach them the pattern from a walk, then from a trot, then move into faster speeds.

    you could try different bits with him. but barrel horses if they are taught right know exactly what to do when you head out toward the barrels.

    so i would go back to the start with your horse.

  4. Like people have said. Start over. GO back to walking the pattern and jogging it. wants you and your horse work together on this then you can pick up speed. Remember when you practice you don't need to run a lot. It blows the horses mind. Also make sure your body position is correct. Pick up a few books about barrel racing. Everyone has their prefernce on who they like so read what your favorite does. Also read from other trainers to get other ideas. If you still need help maybe find a trainer near you that can help you. Good luck and turn and burn!

  5. work on alot of circles and try diffrent bits

    change up the pattern alot so the horse doesnt anticipate

  6. when you started him on barrels did you start at a fast gait or did you start at the walk? restart his barrel training...get off and lead him around the barrels the correct way until you can do it with slack in the reins/leadrope. then get on and do it at the walk until you can give him slack in the reins and he steps correctly. repeat this with every gait until its perfect. it may take some time but its worth it. also, if you have another barrel horse or someone who has a barrel horse, teach by example. play follow the leader on the barrels at a trot or a slow canter.

  7. First make sure your horse is not sore and the saddle fits him and is not pinching him. Most of the time if your horse has been running the pattern correct and just stops for no reason then he/she is hurting. The shanking of the mouth means that you are trying to get your horse to do something he may not know what you are asking of him. Take your horse in to a open place with good dirt, have your horse walk in a circle each time bring your circle closer and closer but make sure your horse is stepping over his front inside foot. that will help your horse to bend and flex around a barrel. do it both ways a few times and then add the barrel. if you need more help please IM me @ tiffanybrooks1988
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