
Attending college in France?

by Guest34088  |  earlier

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If Ione graduates high school in the US, can I attend college in France for the same price as a French citizen if I move to France and live there? By the time they graduate high school, they'd have 5 years of French, so the language difference there shouldn't be troublesome.

For admittance, would I have to pass the Baccalauréat? Or would they be able to transfer our SAT or something?




  1. Everything you need to know can be found at this website which is provided by the French government specifically for foreign students wishing to study in France:

    I suggest that you give a bit more thought to the difficulty of studying in a language other than your native language. It is one thing to be able to ask directions to the bathroom or order from a menu and quite another to discuss serious academic subjects in a language that you are not fluent in. In particular, the French value formality and precision in language in a way that is quite alien to  English speakers. You may be granted a bit of leeway but it won't be much.

    You should also consider that French universities admit anyone who has the Bac and then proceed to flunk out most of them. In medicine, for example, which is an undergraduate degree in most of Europe,  the failure rate is roughly 90%.

    You should also be aware that facilities at most French universities are rather Spartan compared to American universities.  

    There are few or no electives. Academic standards are very high and strictly enforced. Don't expect it to be like the free ride provided by most American universities where a substantial part of the student body comes in functionally illiterate and graduates little improved.

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