
Attention Animal Activists and those who aren't so much....?

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This is not to start a heated debate; but something just really bothers me and as much as I have been in debates with people of youtube videos etc I have never gotten a straight answer. So I am looking for input.

I love animals, they are my pets, companions, rodeo partners and I also choose my schooling based on working with animals, but as much as I love them I do understand that animals are used in sport (I do not support dog fights or mexican bull fighting as sports by the way) as pleasure, and as meat. Why is it that when people as questions reguarding meat animals the activists take it upon themselves to say that it is wrong, or when we ask about rodeo it is "wrong",but yet people who use animals for equestrian events it isn't a problem, or when dogs are used as disability companions, etc. Why are the views of few forced unto others just because the beliefs of what animals purpose is?And what do you suggest for those animals that you do not think should be eated or used in rodeo?




  1. I must be one of those "not so much" people.  I do agree with the thought of hurting or killing a animal for entertainment.

    I enjoy eating meat just as billions all over the world do.  I enjoy wearing shoes, coats, wallets, etc. made of leather.  I enjoy hunting and fishing.  And I will not take any game that IO won't or don't eat.  

    Using animals for rodeos?  If you ask me those animals are very much trained to perform.  Bucking broncs and bulls are wearing a cinch strap in their flanks.  It tickles them.  There is no pain or torture.

    Usually the "tree huggers" and "animal rights activists"  have one thing in common with the ACLU.  They want everyone to live in a communist state and lifestyle.  They want to force their beliefs to make everyone equal and live to their way of thinking.  

    OK, you keep riding and I'll keep hunting and fishing.  We both will probably die at a earlier age from being kicked, stomped, or heart attack, but we will die happy.

  2. You will never get a straight answer from an animal right's activist.. They will always carefully skate around their real feelings on issues that they think they cannot get the majority of people to agree on..

    PETA IS against guide dogs for the blind and equestrian events. Of course, if they outright said that loud and clear they would lose a bunch of supporters, same thing if they outright say they want pets eliminated. You can find that info buried in a corner of their website, but, you will never hear it in their TV ads.

    They take a few instances of cruelty, show the videos on youtube and state that is how it 'always' happens.. Showing someone skinning an animal alive for fur for instance, is an illegal act of cruelty. But, they make it out like that's how it's always done. When I ask them why they think it's done like that, they say because it takes too long to kill the animal. Right. It takes a second to kill a fur animal and a heck of a lot longer to skin a squirming, biting, clawing animal while it's still alive. That's like showing a video of someone brutally beating their dog and then stating that all dog owners do that..

    If you want to protect your right to keep pets, eat meat, and make other choices in your life, then you have to understand how your enemy works. PETA and other animal rights groups work through subversion. They show an extreme video, get a bunch of signatures, and use their millions of dollars to push legislation. Less then 5% of their money goes to help real animals. Most of it goes to pay for their own personal agenda..

    It's up to you to be aware and educate. If you know that just about no rodeo animals are actually harmed, then you have to teach people that or else all they will get is the info PETA hands out. They're in just about every high school in the country. They push their ideals through tv and handouts. All you can do is show one person at a time so they can make an informed decision looking at both sides. Right now, all most kids hear is PETA's side..

  3. I'm a vegetarian and do not believe in eating animals. But I do think it is a personal choice and never try to force my views on others. I do think that many places who raise animals for meat treat them cruelly and that should be changed. That's one of the major problems that I have with PETA and other crazy animal rights groups. Instead of working on ways where meat industries can treat their animals better they just say that everyone should be vegetarian and vegan.

    I haven't heard of anyone being against rodeos, what's wrong with them? I know lots of people who raise and train horses for rodeo-type events and they treat the horses very nicely.

  4. Animals are my life, I work with them, own a lot and I love them. I  don' t think it is cruel to give an animal a job, they love to do them and thats what rodeo, english/western riding, racing, helping the disabled, and whatever else they do.. I know animals like horses love and live to do their jobs (if they didn't like it they wouldn't do it).. There is a point where animals are abused and I don't agree with that such as animal fights, or just putting an animal in an unsafe position... But when a horse goes down racing or a rodeo horse goes down bucking its an accident, everyone has accidents and gets hurt, and of coarse it is very sad, But as long as the people taking care of the animal are looking out for and giving the best possible care I see no point on screaming abuse! People need to find all the facts on something before assuming its abuse or even that its not. Get all your facts before screaming at someone who does rodeo or anything else.

  5. I love animals but I don't see much use for chickens, cows and pigs other than for food. I don't eat beef, fish, shellfish, lamb, pig. I do on occasion have chicken. I just don't care for the taste and texture of these foods. That said I do think these animals should be raised and killed in a humane way. As for rodeo, I don't care for it. I think people believe it is a bit harsh on the animals almost barbaric. I hope this helps, its just my 2 cents. : )

  6. i think that any sport that an animal does that severely hurts them is a complete no! but if they are an animal that does equestrian stuff like jumping and obstacles are fine! its just like us doing sports!

    i think that's what your asking...idk

  7. I love animals, more than i can ever express in words. But when you talk about animals being used for equestrian events or for disabled people, they are not being exploited or physically abused. They are trained for something with focus on nourishment and fitness, even though it might be for selfish reasons but nevertheless.

    Animals who get slaughtered for meat, used in animal fights, rodeos, cruel races etc. are getting tortured and die when they can't tolerate the physical abuse anymore. There is a world of a difference.

    But I also realise the fact that just because I see this as wrong, people won't stop doing something that is wrong. I cannot force morality on people, I let them decide for themselves as to what they want to do. Meanwhile, I've turned vegetarian and support animal causes. I'm doing my bit, you should do yours and not worry about what people say or think.

    Even if we do it alone, I think somehow, we still make a difference. It might sound cheesy but may be at least it counts with god. :)

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