
Attention Fighters...If i cut someone's Achilles in a self-defense manor,will i get arrested/charged?

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  1. well you can shoot someone in the head if it is self defense. so i dont see why cutting a tendon would be any worse. although if they can prove you were able to specifically cust it then it may have not been truly self defense.

  2. if proven to be anything other than self defence then yes

    but that is an extremly specific attack so it would be easier for  them to prove otherwise

    so if i were you i would try not to

  3. how could you do it in self defence you would have to be in a funny position to be able to get to his or her foot then hold the foot then cut it i recon you'd get busted

  4. I think, it is a silly idea, to cut someones achilles tendon in "self-defense" as the position to do this would put yourself in a very vulnerable position and it is unfeasable, that such an action could be attributed to self-defense. I guess, the courts would have very little sympathy with such a nonsensical act!

  5. There is no way to cut somebodies Achilles tendons in self defense. You would have to have control of them to do so, the law will slap you.

    Unless you have lots of impartial witnesses to the fact he attacked you never injure anybody with a weapon in a fight. If they are alive they will claim excessive force or you started it. If not then it will impossible to refute your self defense claim.

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