
Attention Mac Users!!! Are Macs Worth Getting?

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I am really looking into getting a Macbook Pro (with some extra RAM). Do you think it's worth it? Being a Vista user that got the blue screen of death last night, I'm really looking forward to getting one. I need your opinion! Thanks!

P.S: For some strange reason, none of my files were erased, but I still got the horrifying death screen. Thanks again.




  1. I am a Mac user, they are definitely worth it. The operating system is easier to use, cleaner, and has a better interface. I have a Vista computer too, and I love my MacBook more. Macs are faster than PC's, and Macs don't get Viruses. My friends have Lime-wire and had it for two years on their macs and still don't have viruses.

    YOu can also run Vista on a Mac using Boot-camp and based off review, Vista runs better on a Mac than on a PC.

    The only problem I have had with Macs is there are many programs that don't work with a Mac. PC computers are more universal and work with all programs. SO with Boot-camp on my side, I don't have to worry about that, I can still run any program I want on two great operating systems.

    Visit for more details and to watch video tours about the Mac.

  2. "Being a Vista user that got the blue screen of death last night"

    Kinda says it all,  might also look into Ubuntu.  It might sound scary but it is actually rather easy and a nice alternative to shelling out  for a new computer or more S****y software that's bound to disappoint.

  3. Could be a problem with device drivers, hardware or software. This  problem can be solved by uninstalling new softwares, updating device drivers and making minor configuration changes . From . You can also run a free registry scan using utilities from

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