
Attention Pick up Artists!!?

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I've noticed my boyfriend has been reading a lot about Mystery (the pick up artist), he's is having a big party this weekend (catholic girls vs nerds theme) he's avarage looking, I'm a model been told I look like Megan Fox... I noticed he's inviting his ex and a bunch of girls that are into Mystery says to have a party and invite girl that are interested in do I play the game? do I invite a guy friend? do I not go to the party? or do I confront him about it? I'm not a jealous girlfriend but since he's been reading those books I'm kindda worried...Anyone?? I know theres a lot of guys out there that follow this pick up artist cult...I want to know what you think?




  1. so what your saying is that your relationship is just a big game, and you want to know how to play your part...


    if it's not a game to you then get out, cause he obviously finds it to be a game.

  2. Nothing to worry about. He's probably just trying something out and thinking of ways to have a cool party. Invite a guy friend if you want to. Make things interesting!

  3. i think you should invite me and ill come and "help" you to make him jealous if there is any funny business on his end...

  4. Hmmmm... this seems a little odd. Not sure what purpose a party like that could serve, except to test one's availability.

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