
Attention all Mom!?

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I'm starting to register for my baby shower and buy baby stuff (due Nove 16th) I get the lists from the stores, but what items did you find that you absolutley needed the first year? What items did you think you'd want, and then never used? Any items that you forgot and then had to go buy? Any hints on registering? And must have ideas?

I'd appreciate it. I need to practice self control and not buy baby clothes anymore, is it true everyone buys them for the shower and ignores the registry?




  1. diapers diapers diapers you will need alot and they cost alot a swing is an absolute nessesity so are cloth diapers they really are for more than babys buts  youll be surprised the gourgous little clothes that you recieve will hang in the closet hardly ever worn onsies are a must and sleepers not the heavy ones just the little thin ones and the pacifier you can never have to many of these iwent through 50 a peice with my kids and yes the clips for them work for about a month even if you dont plan to use pacifiers trust me you will the best thing i ever got was fisherprice light box it shows images and colors dancing all around your babys room{SHHHHdont tell istill take it out and watch it he he}

  2. I did not get a changing table, nor did I want/need one.  One thing that saved us is a swing.  My daughter still uses it for naps and shes 7 months old.  As for forgotten things, I forgot a baby bathtub....Yeah I know one of the simple things and I did not have baby tylonal.  You can wait on a highchair.  I still dont use one, I use her swing when I feed her.  Im going to get one soon though since she likes to feed her self some things.  And then I got a pack'n'play and used that as a bassinet so I did not have to buy one of those.  That way she could sleep in the living room with us.

  3. If people know the s*x of the baby, I think there is a tendency for some people to go out and pick out "cute little outfits" for you instead of the items on your registry.  We didn't find out the s*x of our baby ahead of time, so other than the couple of onesies and basics that we registered for, we didn't receive any other clothing at my baby shower.

    Some of the things I found the most useful were:

    Extra changing table covers for the changing pad (that way you have a spare or two when one gets messed up)

    Extra crib sheets (see above)

    Vibrating bouncer chair


    Two carseats (if you have two cars).  We registered for two Britax seats, so we could permanently install one in each car and not have to move it back and forth.

    Items that I either returned outright before using them or found out later that they weren't as useful as I thought they would be:

    Diaper Genie

    Baby wipe warmer

    Bottle warmer

  4. Well you'll def need a crib, dresser, changing table, travel system, pack n play, high chair, diaper bag, bassinet, swing or like items(depending on if your baby likes them), bedding, clothes, diapers, wipes, diaper pail(some of those diapers can get mighty stinky), bath items(shampoo,body wash, lotion,rash cream,towels, wash rags) baby bath tub, Tylenol or Motrin, bottles, formula, Binky's, radio and lullaby Cd's, cool mist humidifier, bowls, spoons, baby food, teething ring and orajel

    Dont get a wipe or bottle warmer, they were a waste of money.

    Dont forget a breast pump if your nursing. And I liked cloth nursing pads instead of the napkin like ones you throw away.

    As for hints only register at 1 store(like babies r us), most people wont buy from it anyways. And they prob will buy a lot of clothes(most you wont like)

    Just be ready to return return return.

  5. We have a changing table that someone made for us that we never used for changing her. We use it for storage but the changing pad and covers we got have never even been opened. We didn't get any towels for her before she was born and we needed them. They make these kits that have pretty much all the hygiene stuff you need. It's got clippers and files and an aspirator. It's probably the most useful thing we got. If you're using cloth diapers, bleach is a good idea. Congratulations and good luck!

  6. I would strongly recommend one of those bouncy seat things that also has the vibration option on it. My son LOVED that as a baby. Definitely click them in with the little seatbelt thing b/c I didn't one time and he almost vibrated out of the chair! :)

    A mini-bath tub is also a great idea. It lets you give them a bath and let's them lie there, slightly elevated.

    I would agree that a lot of people just buy baby clothes and tend to ignore the registry. A lot of the grandparents-to-be will probably look at the registry more than the other guest and may help chip in with the bigger presents like cribs and play pens and stuff.


  7. My absolute must have was the Medela breast pump steam bags.  No just because they are made for pump accesories...doesn't mean that's all you can use them for.  They were a god send.  I steam sanitized all her bottles and binkies in them.  when she got older I did her sippy cups.  Purely as a time saver.  They are wonderful.  It's this little bag you put your items in 2 oz. of water and a couple minutes in the micro.  Your done.  No big bulky santizeing machines.  No need to wait for a full dishwasher.  Just pop and go.  You can get them at Target in the same aisle of the bottles and such.  Good luck!


    bottle brush

    hypoallergenic detergent (dreft)

    electric plug covers

    lots of diapers  



    baby nail clippers

    bugger sucker (haha i dont know whats its called)

    sheets for crib

    massage chair for you

    ummm thats all i can think of for now
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