1. Name:
2. Zip Code:
3. How long have you surfed?
4. Are you a beginner, intermediate, advanced, or expert?
5. What’s your favorite break?
6. What’s your dream break?
7. Favorite surf spot?
8. Long board or short board?
9. What kind of wax do you use?
10. How many boards do you own?
11. Favorite time of year to surf?
12. How many times a week do you surf?
13. What’s the farthest you’ve driven to surf?
14. What time during the day do you go surfing?
15. Do you use an internet surf report website?
If so, which website?
16. Who do you normally surf with?
17. Do you have a subscription to a surf magazine?
If so, which magazine?
18. Have you ever been injured while surfing?
19. Who is your surf idol?
20. Have you ever surfed a competition?