
Attention all tarot card readers?

by Guest58073  |  earlier

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Has anyone ever brought their cards to a party to read for people? If so, what were the results?

I volunteered to bring tarot cards to a friends baby shower party and I am wondering if this is the wisest thing since it involves people that I work with. Any suggestions or notes on past experience would be appreciated.




  1. when i was with my ex, he took me to a dinner party with his coworkers at a restaurant. they had some board games and stuff, but everyone was kind of bored, so i took out my deck and offered to read anyone who wanted me to...

    they thought it was awesome, even the super-religious catholic person. (funny side-note: the devil appeared in EVERYONE'S readings)

    another time, i brought my deck to my catholic school's beginning-of-the-year retreat... i asked my bunkmate if he wanted me to read him, and he promptly reminded me that tarot is the devil's work

    yet another time, my brother brought me to a party with his fraternity.... i brought my deck and read about five people's cards and their palms.... it was a huge hit, but probably because everyone was smashed, so it didn't really matter to them.

    i'd say don't bring it to a baby shower if there are people from work there, especially if you live in the bible belt or anywhere in the south, or in a particularly religious community.

  2. If you take them I would recommend you not be too serious in the reading.  This might creep some people out.  So when you do your readings, just keep it light-hearted.  It could be fun.

  3. I have done this at a few places and was amazed at how the sound of tarot cards brings people out of the wood work. It is best to lay out some rules before you begin just so that no one person monopolizes all of your time. Invertiably at a large party there is someone who's life is not complete unless it is in total chaos and they just want YOU to solve it with the cards. So before I begin I always tell people that we will be doing 1 question per person and depending on the size either 3 card spreads or full spreads. That way we all know what we are doing :)

    I also agree with Pam these things need to be private. The stuff that comes up in tarot readings is not for public knowledge. Regardless of the setting these things are not to be taken lightly :)


  4. Kimberlee...I think...if you value your job...leave them at home..and don't even bring up the subject..or anything paranormal or spiritual at work or baby showers etc.I say this from past experience. The people where I worked decided to drug me and do witchcraft on me. ..and I didn't even take tarot cards or use them...just talked about Jesus a lot.  Some of the things I talked about were paranormal...but I didn't really realize it.  I think the best thing is to just do your work and wear a "smiley face" at all times.

    Edit..Needless to say..I quit the job.

  5. Hello

    I think that this should be fine, make sure that all readings - mini or otherwise are private. Take your end seriously in terms of respect & all should go well.

    Have fun!


  6. I personally keep my spiritual side seperate from my work side, only due to people still thinking that we are evil.

    How,ever if they bring it up in conversations at work then I will discuss it with them.

    So I guess my answer would be - if your workmates know that you read tarot then do it - if not take them with you, but don't pull them out unless you are specifically asked, and then assess the situation before you go ahead with the reading

  7. I've done this before -volunteered to do readings at a get-together.  Just conduct yourself and your readings with the respect and seriousness you and the process deserve.  And remember to ground so you don't end up draining yourself half-way through!  (I asked my guides before I went to do the public readings and they told me to be careful I didn't drain myself.  Of course, I'm an idiot and totally need things like that spelled out for me :)  So halfway through I was drained and wondering what went wrong.  I did another consult with my guides and ha ha -I forgot to ground.  Oh well, we live and learn :)

  8. that depends on the crowd. some ppl will find it kinda cool and fun while others will take it as you are a witch and will avoid you for the rest of your life. in my case, i never bring up the paranormal with my friends as i know i will be branded as a witch although i am really not. i only talk about the paranormal if another person brings it up but still, i try not to go deep. i also NEVER NEVER share my experiences as most ppl who hear it will tend to think we are lying, we are mad and will ask.. 'well if its true why is it only happening to you'. i always refrain from telling anyone anything abput my spiritual side..

    back to the question... if your people are open to the paranomal and know you are not someone who lies i think it might be ok.. but dont get to deep into it.    but if you are not very close to your co-workers i think its better to refraine from taking those cards there.

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