
Attention all women and girls?

by  |  earlier

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is there a way to figure out how big your b***s are going to be when your fully grown. I just started my period last night and i am a 30a will my b***s get bigger and how much and when




  1. nope sorry

    i have 2 other sisters and we are all differnt sizes

    one of those you gotta wait and see deals

    then once you have kids it changes again

  2. They'll grow q:

    There is no way to predict growth, but you can make a guess ny looking at you relatives.

    Not exact tho, but fair chance {:...usually each generation is bigger than the parents.

  3. Not that I know of.

    If you just started menstruating, your b*****s will still grow for at least a few years.  Most women's b***s stop growing when they are around 16-20.

    You can get a good estimate by asking women in your family (mom, sister, aunt, grandmother) what size they wear, but even that is not accurate in many cases.

  4. My dear, it's past your bedtime, stop asking silly questions please?

  5. lol. yes, ur b***s will get bigger. ask ur doctor how much bigger they will get.

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