
Attention all you tailgaters!?

by  |  earlier

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Why do some drivers drive so fast and so close to someones butts? I just shake my head from side to side whenever I see tailgaters(careless drivers). I see this happens everyday on my way to and from work. most drivers go a little(5 mph over) over speed limit on residential and main streets, but there're always someone that want to go faster. Why why why?




  1. Slow down and box them in.    Let them go just before you get to your favorite speed trap.       Required----   wave as you go past them and the officer.  

    At night,   minature marshmellows thrown over the top of your car gets their attention.    Many other cures for this,  but you have to join the  Fraternal Order of Commercial Drivers to get these secrets.

  2. Unfortunately they let stupid dangerous people get driver licenses.  They are an accident waiting to happen.

    I usually slow down a bit so if they hit me it will not hurt as much and then hope that they will drive around me and get out of my life.

  3. Not sure why people do it but when I get tailgated I just let off the gas.  It pisses them off and brings a smile to my face.

  4. Okay one I am not defending them but they may have places to go.. two dont bother.. just pull over and let them pass.. people are crazy and people have been killed and injured by trying to upset the tailgater.. And honestly yelling and screaming at them only makes you look stupid.. they cant here you and you have to realize that you cannot change their habits and you just have to let it go because you may be risking your life.

  5. They do this all the time in Alaska.  It's mainly because they have no patience and in a hurry to get somewhere.  When someone tailgates me I slow up to about 20 MPH in a 45 MPH zone and that stops that very fast.  And I just keep driving like that until I get home!

  6. Its because some drivers don't understand that the left lane is for faster traffic, and are selfish enough to sit there while someone wants to pass them but cant.

  7. i also think its based on where u live. like in the city people are inpatient etc. they just wanna go to where ever theyre going

  8. Because they are people that think that they will get to their destination much faster by intimidating people. These duma$$es cause accidents every day, and some of them are fatal ones all because they have no patience. They irritate me too because I drive a truck. An accident happend down in Chattanooga TN that I will never forget. A woman following to close behind a semi trailor was killed when a large rock was flung that was stuck between the rear duals of the semi. The rock went through the windsheild hitting her in the head. She had her 4 kids with her at the time she was hit rolling the car repeatedly off the side of the interstate. One of her kids was ejected and crushed by the car and the others sustained various injuries. If the woman would had not been tailgating the semi the rock wouldnt have hit her car with such force. The way I deal with tailgaters is driving slower. They make all kinds of gestures and I just smile at their dumba$$. And I also have been known to slam on my brakes upon occasion. If they hit me I will just say that a deer ran out infront of me. It would be their fault if they hit you because, its against the law to tailgate in the first place. Cops are guilty of it as well, and that really sucks!!! One was tailgating me one night but I couldnt tell it was a cop because they had their brights on. So, I took a mirror that was laying in my seat and reflected his own lights back in eyes. He pulled me over and asked for my license and registration, and asked me what I was doing? I said, I was minding my own business obeying the law untill someone that came behind me that was breaking the law by tailgating me. He handed my stuff back to me and told me to have a good night sarcastically as he got back into his cruiser slamming the door hard. Intimidation, lack of patience, and good travel planning is why they do it, along with being a speed freak.

  9. i slow down when someone tailgates.  then when they try to get around me I speed up and stay ahead of them.  they get really pissed because they can't get ahead of me then usually just take a turn off somewhere.  oh well they started it.

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