
Attention chefs and hippies!! whats something healthy i can cook for tea?

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i have eaten a LOT of junk this weekend plus drunk a lot of alcohol. What is something SUPER healthy i could cook for my dinner????? ideas pleassseeee!best answer




  1. Maybe something vegetarian or a rissoto?

  2. Im a chef, and I dont appreciate being put in the same sentence as a hippy :( I hate hippies!!!!!

  3. these are so easy and quick and they taste yummy too, but the best thing about these is that there is very little cleaning up afterwards:

    Chicken and coriander parcels

    Ingredients (serves 4)

    150g fresh rice vermicelli noodles

    4 chicken breast fillets

    1 tablespoon basil and mild chilli stir-fry sauce

    1/2 bunch choy sum, leaves chopped, stalks shredded

    3cm piece fresh ginger, peeled, cut into thin slices

    1 carrot, cut into thin sticks

    1/3 cup low-salt chicken stock

    1 lime, quartered, to serve


    Preheat oven to 180°C. Cook noodles in saucepan of boiling water for 2 to 3 minutes. Drain. Cut 4 pieces of baking paper large enough to enclose fillets.

    Place one-quarter of noodles near one end of each piece of baking paper. Top each noodle stack with a chicken fillet, stir-fry sauce and choy sum leaves.

    Combine ginger, carrot and choy sum stalks, then layer on chicken. Drizzle 1 tablespoon stock over each stack. Wrap baking paper over to enclose filling. Place on baking tray and cook for 15 to 20 minutes.

    Serve with a wedge of lime.

    Notes & tips

    Note: Also known as Chinese flowering cabbage, choy sum can be recognised by its small yellow flowers and fleshy white stems. Both the leaves and stems are edible.

    with the stir fry sauce if u are unble to get that particular one i usually experiment with a little teriaki sause or a mix of hoisin and oyster with a pinch of chilli to give it heat :)

  4. Artichokes have detox properties and are very healthy- try this:

    Artichoke Chicken

    15 ounces artichoke hearts, drained and chopped

    3/4 cup parmesan cheese, grated

    3/4 cup low fat mayonnaise

    1 pinch garlic pepper seasoning

    4 chicken breast halves, skinless, boneless

    Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).

    In a medium bowl, mix together the artichoke hearts, Parmesan cheese, mayonnaise, and garlic pepper.

    Place chicken in a greased baking dish and cover evenly with artichoke mixture.

    Bake, uncovered, for 30 minutes in the preheated oven or until chicken is no longer pink in the center and juices run clear.

  5. a vegetable salad cake  

  6. If your anything like me and have drank lots over the weekend, you wont want to be cooking - just get subway with heaps of salad on it : )

  7. donut or sardine rolls or 'roti canai (Asian food)' or curry puff... hmm...

  8. I agree with the other guy, not a good thing to put chefs and hippies into the same sentence. Cause hippies will just say smoke some pot man. Chefs, and i mean real chefs will give you a gameplan of what you should do in order to prepare yourself a, as you call it a SUPER healthy meal.          

  9. Get a whole white fish (red snapper, sea bass, etc) and put it on one side of a 4 ft. piece of PARCHMENT paper (not wax paper, not foil). After snipping off all of the fins and brushing off any remaining scales, rub the fish inside and out with salt, pepper, and olive oil. Surround it with thinly sliced red oinions and lemons, parsley, dill, and thyme. Cover with COOKED couscous (its really easy to make  - look it up) and fold the edges together to make a square pouch. Secure with staples every inch or so, then put on a baking sheet, puncture the top of the puch with a paring knife a few times, and bake at 375 F  for 45min - an hour, or until the fish flakes easily. Full of Omega3 fatty acids, carbs, protein, and no dishes.  

  10. You could cook a dressed salad heres how to make it:

    1 tsp Dijon Mustard

    A pinch each of salt, pepper and sugar

    A few leaves of fresh tarragon, chopped

    10 mls white wine vinegar

    40 mls olive oil

    Frisee leaves

    Sorrel leaves

  11. grilled chicken & steamed vegatables  

  12. Didn't know there were still "hippies"

    why not try hollowing out a bread cob , by taking off the top and emptying inside,    put the bread from inside aside.   mix shredded or finely chopped:  carrot, cabbage, red onions, beetroot,celery, sliced water chestnuts, sliced avocado, green apples shredded, thinly sliced snow peas, angle sliced thin beans, and literally any other vegs you can think of that can be eaten raw,   mix together and add the necessary amount of reserved bread to fill the cob , top with slices of boiled egg and some crispy cooked bacon and strong flavour cheese if you wish.  drizzle with a low fat salad dressing, top with the lid,    wrap in foil wrap and bake for about 1 hour on medium

    can't get anything healthier whether you like vegetarian or normal eating and it is yum,   also suitable for picnics, barbies etc


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