
Attention gardeners and tree experts What do you do when a mulberry bush gets to high to pick?

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When I was a child I had my parents had a white mulberry bush (or tree actually) and I loved the sweet white berries. When it got really big, they got so many berries that they would all fall to the grownd and rot; it got to the point where you walked by the house and smelled wine. It was too high to pick any of them (you just had to try to catch what fell) and the ones on the grown were rotten. My grandmtoehr and I were the only ones who liked the berries; Grandma suggested I try putting a blanket down there, I was going to try that, but unfortunately, my parents decided to cut it down about ten years ago, as the berries would ferment and smell. I kind of miss those fresh berries and I am getting married in a couple of years. I was thinking of buying a mulberry tree when I get married. Is it possible to buy one? Also, is there an easy way of handling the berries when it gets really high? If not, would a rasberry bush be easier? I actually like rasberriess better; I live on Long Island and I wonder if they make those there.




  1. address for getting you a tree.

    Personally I don't like them but you do. So if you and wife agree happy digging. And enjoy your berries. Make me a pie will you?

  2. Raspberries will never get too tall.

    Mulberries are usually considered a "weed tree", at least around here (Ohio).  They grow all over - so if I wanted one, all I have to do is let one of the saplings that appear in my yard grow into a tree.  Or dig up a small one from nearby.

    Generally, the ones that grow wild bear purple berries, not white - though I do see the white ones every so often.

    I harvest the berries by placing a tarp under the branches, and then shaking the branch.  All ripe berries drop.  The unripe berries stay on the tree.  Very efficient.  Then daughter and I lift the tarp, and funnel the berries into a bucket.

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