
Attention : mothers in YAM.....?

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can you mothers give me some advice on what to expect while expecting ...

the do's or dont's...

whether superstitious or not doesnt matter..

what to avoid..or what i have to eat more..etc

your answers will be much appreciated





  1. Avoid star anise, usually used in cooking curries, herbal soups  and Bak Kut Teh........

    Star anise is a great no-no during pregnancy.

    Although I am not a superstitious person, I did come across several cases whereby babies born get ''hurt'' physically.


    1. Do not use the knife or scissors in front of your tummy (cleft lip or clipped ear, etc).

    2. Do not visit the zoo.....(make a guess).

    3. Do not speak bad of others (quite true this one) 5 cases I have come across, the babies received the ''badness''........what goes around comes around. Sad.


    Congratulations to you.


    Not a parent but have a little knowledge..... :-)

  2. my sister is pregnant and her first time.. this is what i tell her

    dont miss meal.. but dont eat for two.. eat for one it and add a lot of vegetable and lots of fruits..( no nenas and papaya)

    dont drink coffee..avoid the high caffeine in it

    drink milk everynight.. especially anmum

    always put ur leg up when sitting down so to avoid swelling in leg..

    read alot to ur baby.. babies can hear from the third month..and research shows they can identify the voice of the person talking to them during pregnancy

    drink a lot of water... i know it will lead to a lot of toilet going but u have to have sufficient water in ur womb and clean bladder and kidney coz if it is not clean then it might lead to jaundice..( to the baby)

    dont hold back ur bowel movements.. going to toilet on everyday basis is good.. clean the bacteria in the stomach..coz the womb is close to ur intestines...

    well i dont beleive in superstious...just be active and becarefull not to go on slippery places.. might cause fall..

  3. Michelle's advice is very good and congratulations by the way :-)

    - edit -

    apa nama anak baru?

  4. never ever eat the crab when pregnant (or at any other time come to think of it).....

    'save the crab'

  5. this your 1st baby?

    dont eat fruit that is "sejuk" like watermelon,pineapple..n cucumber..

    u can actually drink coffee but not too much..

    when u already 3 mths preg, take obimin pil.

  6. Don't fix things (hammers, spanars, nails) because your kid will have crooked mouth.

    Don't clear longkang, or not ur kids will have 'cleft'.

    Don't let people/animal scare you, if not they baby will look like them.

    hahaha these are the superstitious things I heard. Believe it or not, but it's better to avoid rather than being sorry later. hehehehe. Congratulations. Name your kid 'Gabriel'


  7. try not to let your child go to Y!AM alone.

  8. Congrats!! no wonder long time never hear from you :p

    michelle is right, important that you must eat healty, avoid alcohols, drugs and at this time your body hormon chances. so you will xperince some body pain, feel vomitting and etc.. this is normal.

    This is your 1st trisemesta peroid. that means you must take extra care on your self and the baby. dont do any heavy lifting or jumping around. go to dr check up and do the scan. by 1 1/2- 2 month plus you should be able to hear the baby beating which is about 160 pulse per min...

    good luck ya..

    by 2nd trisesmesta i ll tell you more :P.

    remember eat healty food!!


    i read it from the book :p and dont forget to "folic asid". it helps for your baby to grow :)

  9. i noob i dont know how to be mom but then congratulation to u :)

    -Eat nutritious food ..

    -Dont eat becoz u wanted to.. eat becoz u need to...

    (dont say u have another body to feed u gona eat more than usual)..

    -Smile always! think positively.. always make urself happy but never make others sad... juz be cool n dont think too much..

    -Read book .. it sure calm u down... but not horror book la...

    -Talk to ur tummy.. say hi to the lil baby say good morning...or even sing to it loolaby song...

    -Dont go outside alone or at night... dangerous u know...

  10. Rule No. 1.   : No spicy food. No curry , laksa, nasi kandar    

                             anything cook with spices and chili lemak.

             No. 2.    : No alcohol and caffeine drinks meaning  

                             carbonate drinks, beer, liquor, spirit, wine and

                             coffee out of question.


             No. 3      : No acidic drinks or food.

             No. 4      : Avoid taking too much sugar. Danger of gestational diabetes and baby may grow up too big for natural birth.

             No. 5       : Do not carry heavy load

             No. 6       : No intercourse for first 3 months.

    Nutritious food :

             No. 1        : Vegetables, fruits for multi vitamines  and


             No. 2         : Soy bean milk for protein which is good for

                                 smooth and soft skin.

             No. 3         : Lean meat (no excessive fat). Meat could help you cope with morning sickness/nausea because the protein and fibre absorb the secretions that cause you to feel sick and throw up.

              No. 4        : Drink lots of water and juices

              No. 5        : Peanuts help with nausea as well

    ** that article is BS. I had 6 pregnancies. Groundnuts like Ngan Yin is the best not the flavoured nuts. I ate them and my nausea was gone. Nuts have protein that helps to layer your stomach to absorb the juices that cause nausea.

  11. Congratulations... :) Take care of yourself, kay?

  12. sorry, can't help you, follow the great answers above

    just want to say - congratulation!!

  13. Jeffy dear, first of, my warmest congratulations honey!! About time!  I told u, u just have to wait.  God is good.:)

    I say, u got a lot of good advises already, even in the Parenting section.  Can't add so much more.  One thing though, it is important to relax,  maintain a happy expectant attitude.  They say that our baby feels our emotional state and when there's much nervousness, the baby could manifest some of those later in being cranky, a cry-baby, etc.

    I heard advises too that if u want to have normal delivery instead of having ceasarian, u should  try not to make your  baby too big while still in your womb.  Therefore don't give in to so much fattening foods this time, like soda, sweets,etc.  Of course, always eat the right kinds.  It happened to me, u know.  My first born got to be a little too big, so I had to have a caesarian delivery.  My 2nd was smaller but I was already afraid to try normal delivery, lol!

    Aha,  hubby got too excited upon your return huh!  Too much spermatozoa formed, one just had to find its way to the egg, and whoa!! Congrats again!  This time, it'll be a wonderful experience!  Now, let's drink to that!  oops, no, just plain water and fruit juices, lots of juices,  fresh ones.

    Ok, take care and enjoy!  Anyways, the first trimester is the most delicate part.  Afterwards, it'll be a breeze.  Just don't get too big or you'll find yourself waddling like a duck, hehe!

    ADD:  just a play on sapien's nickname to me, hehe.  he calls me pelacu_.  i'll return to yuan2 soon.:)

  14. what can i said..only...congratulation!!!


    It's been so long since I was preggers, 7 years ago. Some people glow, but I looked absolutely horrendous; bloated and my nose was HUGE!!

    The old folks will tell you not to eat mutton cuz the baby might suffer from epilepsy. I was craving and eating a lot of lamb chops during my 2nd pregnancy. *touch wood* So far, so good.

    Not sure about what Michelle said on no intercourse for 3 months. We were going at it like rabbits....

    If you're feeling nauseous, nibble on cream crackers. I lived on that dipped in Milo all 3 pregnancies as I vomitted till day of birth due to migraine.

    Apply cream diligently to prevent stretch marks.

    Eat healthily. Being pregnant is not a passport to indulge yourself. You'll regret it later!!

    Many pregnant women are susceptible to yeast infection, especially during the second trimester. One of the cause is hormone changes. So cut down on sugar intake, refined carbohydrates (there goes your chocolate cake..), boost your immune system and eat more yogurt. I slept without panties (for ventilation!!) when I was pregnant. Still do, actually...hehe..

    Absolutely no smoking and alcohol.

    Caesarian or natural birth? I dunno. I've tried both and both are baaaaddd..!! Ouch!!

    Good luck and take care!! Don't forget to enjoy your pregnancy.

    PS: Need help with baby names...???


    Superstitions: No moving the bed or shifting house during pregnancy. Don't hit a nail as baby may be born with cleft lips. Don't hit snakes. There was a case a long time ago in which a pregnant woman hit a pangolin (I think) and her daughter was born with scale-like skin!

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