
Attention psychics! Regarding my career....?

by Guest65898  |  earlier

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This is for those who are serisously psychic. I'm a college student and will be graduating in May 08. I was just wondering if I made the right choice. It feels right but sometimes I question it.




  1. My gut tells me no. But you are heading in the right direction.  Work for a while then go back to school part time and get advanced degree, PA,  or  MD.  Maybe research.  After you work a few years you'll know.  You can never go wring helping others.

  2. Honestly, if you're about to be a college graduate, I would really advise you to rethink your beliefs about psychics. People tend to hold beliefs that they've had since childhood because they don't take the time to review them and honestly ask if these beliefs still hold up. As a college graduate, you should ask yourself if there is any solid, credible evidence that supports psychic powers or not. Or is it power of suggestion, vague predictions and ad hoc interpretations, and self-fulfilling prophecies?  The world we live in is amazing enough without postulating mystical powers that there is no good evidence for.

    As for making the right choices, at this point your choice about education is made. If you did well in school and you are persistent and work hard, good things will come of it. Always look forward, not back.

  3. You are the only one who will be able to decide if you made the right choice...don't leave it up to anybody else to tell you what is 'right' when it comes to your job.

    If you're happy, you made the right decision; if you're not, you didn't.

    Psychics are good for telling you where you might have a predominate interest, etc...even they're recommendation doesn't mean it is 'right'.

  4. obviously that education u paid for didnt do too well if you really believe in that c**p.

    go back to school.

    say a prayer.

  5. yes, psychics are c**p but religion isn't?

  6. Don't start guessing yourself now use the education u got  if it truly feels right then u are on the right path.

  7. Nobody is seriously psychic, unless they are trying to seperate you from your money, there is no such thing as a psychic.

    If your career choice is something that you enjoy doing then you made the right choice.

    For example, if you chose childhood education, and you enjoy working with kids, then yes, you made the correct career choice.

    If you hate sitting at a desk, but your parents kept telling you to become an accountant, and you did, then you made a wrong choice and will not be happy until you decide to change.

  8. A reality-based career may not mesh well with your magical thinking.  Psychic ability does not exist.  You are merely second-guessing yourself, which is perfectly natural.  Enter a field that involves work you enjoy, if you are fortunate enough to find such a career.  Nothing is better than having a job you look forward to doing.

  9. We all have times in our lives when we are anxious about making a decision.  Some people agonize over a decision to try to get it "right".  Other people look to others for advice.

    The truth is, there is no "right" or "wrong" decision.  There are consequences for every decision you make.  Consider the consequences of your alternatives and choose the one that you feel is right.  Make a well reasoned and informed choice.  Make a choice that you can live with.

    You need to look inside of yourself for the answer.  You never know what types of answers you might get on a forum as public as this one.  Trust your instincts.

  10. yes you made the right choice if you are enjoying it!you are just a little anxious because is another step in your life,but don't worry,everything is going to be OK,by the way congratulations!

  11. Listening to a psychic on Yahoo! Answers is just as effective as reading a fortune cookie, in my opinion of course.

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