
Attention span for kids?

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Creating craft classes for kids. For 4-5 and 6-7 years olds, what is their attention span?




  1. 10-15 min.  If your craft is longer you could have them work on it for a while then do something else and come back to it.

  2. attention for the ages of 4-5 yr old is 10 minutes if yo are lucky and the craft interest them...

    attention span of 6-7 is about 20-25 also depends if the craft is interesting to them..

    Just keep the craft interesting and fun and they  will keep listening to you

  3. 4-5 year olds can actually concentrate on a CRAFT better then a 6-7 year old. I capitalize craft because overall, the younger ones have a much shorter attention span. I would say 10 min. for the older ones and about 15 for the younger ones.

  4. lol.

    when i was a  senior in high school, i worked with a pre-school class as part of a course throughout the year.

    4-5 year olds, i'd have to say good luck. they are more shy than anything, but once they get used to you they will go crazy and the boys esp will probably play with the craft materials like they are cars, boats, airplanes ETC. the girls will get along, just make sure you have a lot of patience for this day, who knows, maybe you will even get an extremely well-behaved group and it will be all good! Mostly though if you have something that will be catching their attention, theyll definately be real good.

    Another good thing to do with them is include them in the crafts while you're explaining how to do it, they like to feel imporatant, like they are helping you teach :-P

    and 6-7 year olds, im not so sure, but theyre probably a lot better at being attentive. i'm not sure sure about this age, i'm sorry. :-[

  5. The general rule is age +2 so a 4 year old would be 6minutes.  If you are doing craft remember to keep it guided or in small groups.  Many don't realise until after the fact that an art lesson is probably the hardest lesson you can teach.  Set the guidelines and make sure the children know your limits.  E.g. stay seated.  Put your hand up when you have finished. (otherwise you'll have them walking around with paintbrushes and paintings etc. can be really messy)  Have fun!!

  6. :-)  Sounds like fun!  Be sure to have other adults available to help you!  Maybe even create a parent-child class.  

    Approximately 10 minutes for 4-5 years old...give or take a bit depending on the children.  About 15 minutes for the 6-7 year olds.  Please remember that some 4-5 year olds do not have that great of scissor skills.  I steer clear of "crafts" for this age group because it tends to be the adults doing most of the work.  6-7 year olds tend to do a bit better and are more interested.  Good luck!

  7. 20 mins LOL

  8. I would say that the 4-5 year olds have an attention span of 5-10 minutes and the 6-7 have an attention span of 15-20 minutes.

  9. The attention span for kids 4-5 years of age is 7 minutes because after that you'll have trouble holding their attention.

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