
Attention there is a fake!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so there is someone who has been posing as Miley Cyrus and has been lying and making Miley look bad! is NOT MILEY

she/he is a poser. Please do not e-mail this fake! I am letting everyone know,because I don't want other people thinking it's really her. My other friends will post this exact same question so EVERYONE gets the message. Oh and if you e-mail her about that picture that he/she calls "proof" well I have the same picture. I also have other things that has happened that makes me know she/he is a poser. I was just letting everyone know!!





  1. i would think miley looks bad without this persons help.

  2. who cares?

    besides, I heard Miley Cyrus was involved in the killing of a chimpanzee in Korea.

    An innocent chimpanzee.

  3. ya i know the person that gave you her e-mail so he/she can see what you write to miley!

  4. If someone is stupid enough to think that the actual Miley Cyrus is over here posting on Yahoo Answers, then they deserve what they get.

  5. This isn't a question; it's a rant.

    Even a poser can't make Muley Cyrus look bad.  She can do that all by herself.  Stop defending her. SHE'S a fake.

  6. Okay:)

    thanks for telling us!

  7. Thanks for letting me know, I now know not to e-mail he\she cuz he\she is a poser.

  8. miley cyrus is a ******

  9. how did u and ur 9 year old friends get yahoo accounts?

    no one cares and is stupid enough to beleive thats miley

    stop spamming kthnxbye

  10. Miley Cyrus is a rard anyway

    Shes already made ehrself look bad in my opinion by being fake anywayso this person who is posing as her is probably making her look better in a way   =)

  11. I don't care. Why would Miley Cyrus e-mail someone anyway. You can always tell this is a fake because a famous person won't just e-mail anyone.

  12. Miley doesn't need her to look bad, she does that on her own and if i could thumbs up you gyrene i would

  13. okey dokey then.

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