
Attn Martial Artists: Could you beat up this man?

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In a one on one unarmed fight, could you beat this man?




  1. No - but I can beat him at Yahtzee, Chess, Checkers, Pool, or Monopoly.  OK, Maybe not that either.  I probably can't even type better than him.

    But I might be able to take out Tim Sylvia.  At chess.

  2. Fedor will eat me....

  3. No one on the planet can beat up that man.

    Kisshom, did you just say fighting is not the purpose of practicing a martial art? What the h**l are you smoking? Ever heard of MMA?

  4. fedor is an all time great and he prolly could beat most boxers and martial artists but i believe there r 1 or 2 who could beat him!one is alexander karelin( i really believe he could beat him) and the other is rocky (in a movie ofcourse lmao) cause rocky beats all huh?? lmao adryannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  5. Highly unlikely, there's always a puncher's chance though, I'm sure big Tim is counting on it.


  7. I have no quarrel with this man, why should I want to beat him up?

  8. yes i could...

    o wait i was asleep at my desk at im awake...

    no i couldnt...

  9. Nope, unless I threw sand in his eyes or something...

    But I think he is equipped with infared vision and so that probably wouldn't help.

    Unless Tim Sylvia beats him... then his entire legacy is ruined as is his status as a cyborg....

  10. Depends on whats the rule for the fight. If you are talking about MMA fights then no way but if anything goes then sure, theres a chance anyone can be him. All you have to do is gauge his eyes out, or kick his nuts, or rip his mouth open with your finger, or bite his ears off etc.

  11. such is not the purpose of studying and practicing a martial art

    every one can be beaten and despite how "good" a fighter may be at the present moment, that moment passes and a new "gun" arises...

    it is always dangerous to believe in ones own ledgend...


    The foolishness of those who understand training as only a means to promote competition with others, as well as those who believe that martial arts is only and primarily related to combat sadly speaks to the quality or lack there of in the teaching they have received possibly from attending American or Western "McDojo's" and learing on a "contract" basis.

    This one has studied for more than 43 years in a variety of styles and systems, has fought as a professional, served as a personal guard and has taught.

    This one speaks, reads and writes several languages and has lived throughout the world.

    May each be well adn may all awaken to understanding and knowledge.

    Be well.

  12. maybe

  13. theres only one man who can beat fedor.  and thats rickson gracie.  he can beat anyone in a no rules fight.  he is 100% sure.  he said so himself.

  14. No one is unbeatable.  Would I box with him-no-I value my life.  Would I grapple with him-once again, I value my life.

    In any fight, be prepared to use deception.

  15. Anything's possible, but I sure as h**l wouldn't start the fight.

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