
Attn: left handed people in high school,etc....?

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first off I'm left handed. I'm also a junior in high school and ALL of middle school and high school ive always managed to smudge my papers that are written in matter what it happens, so i just started school and my math notes look like a big smudged blob. so anyone that has had this problem PLEASE help because i cant do my math in pen all year...

recommend me an awesome pencil that WONT smudge?

thanks so much, really!




  1. How about approaching your work from the bottom of it, instead of that old lefty hook thingie.  You won't smudge if you aren't rubbing your hand over the work as you write.

    I'm a southpaw, and have not had that problem because my hand never goes over the written work.

  2. my daughter bought me the most awesome pen.  Check out  She picked it up at Books A Million for me at christmas and it is great.

    And a piece of trivia...the reason left handers twist their hand so wierd is so they can see what they are writing.

    Also check out the website for Lefthanders International, they have lots of helpful items.

  3. You will just need to make sure you hold your arm above the paper while you write so that your sweat/body oils dont smudge the writing. Angling the paper may help with this, but you are going to need to actually practice and find a way that feels most comfortable for you. My son is a lefty, and does not have a problem with this.

  4. my son is left handed and I relate to what you are saying. I didnt know left handed people had problems with stuff life the belts, writing, playing the guitar, cutting with scissors. so I recommend pencil # 2 they are made for non smudging, also use pend that dont use gels or watery liquidy ink.

  5. This is a great pencil that prevents smudging.

  6. Use a rollerball pen, not gel.  Or try angeling your paper.

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