
Attn. people who know about petsmart!?

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I need your help PetSmart workers! Do they sell marbled or silver hatchetfish at PetSmart? Also is there anywhere online where there is a list of fish that they sell there?




  1. i don't work there but I'm there enough to know...

    In the virginia Petsmart they sell marbled hatchet fish as well as black ones silver ones and sometimes I see some really weird goldish ones.

  2. With certain pet stores or LFS you can pre-order fish, they just put in your order with theirs when they restock..I had to do that with my Clown Loaches, Kuhli Loaches and Panda Cories....not much picking in fish in the small town where I live, sometimes I have to drive 30 minutes just to get stuff or fish that I want for my tank...

  3. The petsmarts in my area sell silver hatchetfish.

    No, there isn't a list of fish that they sell online. Different districts probably sell different fish. I suggest calling them.

  4. Amen to Tolak.  Petsmart is a VERY poor choice for anyone to buy fish from.  I don't CARE what goes on in local areas.  Chain stores are absolutely horrible for the fish hobby in how they conduct business.  You are basically supporting the whole Walmart concept by buying from there.  If you do not have a local privately owned store, then search around on aquabid, eBay and other forums that sell.  If you looked there to begin with, you probably wouldn't be asking this nor have such issues trying to find them.  If you want QUALITY, you are going to have to pay some money.

  5. They are rare so you may not find them there. Call pet stores around your area and ask about their stock.

    Give them your contact info and they can call you if they get a certain fish you want.

  6.   You don't want to buy fish from PetSmart.  I wouldn't want their fish for free, disease outbreak waiting to happen.

  7. that is strange they have all their products but not the fish they sell. I can say the last time I was there they did have hatchetfish. I can also say that I bought 3 electric blue cichlids from them and in 5 days with no apparent reason all died. I do not suggest buying any fish from petco or petsmart. you might as well get them from walmart ( just kidding ) don't go there either. supplies are ok from these places but not the fish. good luck with your search for hatchetfish. just remember mom and pop petshops are always better. they take pride in selling healthy fish.

  8. Hah Pet-co and pet-smart are both jokes as far as fish are concerned. 99 percent of the time the kids in charge of the fish have NO clue how to acclimate and handel them properly. I have never met anybody at a chain store like that who knows more about fish and fish keeping than I do. ( To their credit I am about halfway to becoming a marine biologist though). Just check any fish that you buy very closely and never put them into an established tank without quarantining them for at least three weeks. I SAVED a jack dempsey from Walmart about 3 years ago and he is living with a fire-mouth and a Convict Who was also rescued from that same Walmart in a tank full of dead fish. Now they are in a 180 gallon and they are so pretty and healthy , it can be done.  Don't be afraid to try. Good Luck    

  9. silver hatchet fish are in the top most popular fish in petsmart and are on the current fish plan-o-gram.

    Marbled hatchets haven't been in my district in about three years and were a one time buy, but they could easily pop up again or in your area.

    As for fish they sell there, here is a good listing of the groups they have.  Each store will differ based on size and locality slightly, but these are the 'bread and butter."

    fantail goldfish

    black moore

    ryukins (calico, red, red and white)

    oranda (calico, red, red and white)


    butterfly koi

    small african cichlids including auratus, kenyi, zebra, parrot

    Oscars and jack dempsys

    convicts and fire mouths

    brown and ghost knife fish

    tire track and peacock eels

    bala sharks, clown loaches, dojo loaches, botias, leporinus

    silver dollars, various three spot gouramis, kissing gouramis

    rainbow and redtail sharks, paradise gouramis, pangasius cats

    assorted sword tails, mollies, platies, guppies, and cory cats

    neon and cardinal tetras, serpae, black and gold skirted tetras

    scisortail rhasboras and harlequin rhasboras

    white clous mountain minnows, betta fish, plecos, dwarf gouramis

    silver hatchets, austrailian rainbow fish and various danios

    african dwarf frogs, mystery snails, ghost shrimp, rosy reds

    comet goldfish and live plants

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